Research Question Proposal

So for the Unit two project my research question that I have came up with is whether or not multiverse theory is really possible? This topic has had so many theories in my brain. Your probably wondering how it all started? Well it all began a couple years ago when I was in Sophomore year. We had plenty of time home because of the pandemic. So I started playing a video games and played this one game called “Life is Strange”. Within the game “Life is Strange” you play as this girl named Max Caulfield who finds out she has the ability to reverse time when she saves her friend named Chloe Price. When she does she creates a alternative universe and a gigantic tornado. In the game you can make so many choices as it also depicts every aspect you do like if you were nice to someone one day they will remember that. Thus changing the original path of the universe even more. Well when I finished the game and had to make the difficult final decision at the end, I always thought about whether there is a universe where things could have been different for me. When I graduated high school and finally got to this summer my interest peaked in the topic more. What added on to my interest was when I got in my marvel phase. Marvel studios covers so many questions I had. Like what do I look like in another universe? What would New York city look like in another universe? What would our food look like in another universe? If I research this there are so many different outcomes I can expect. I can find out about the possible different forms our multiverses can take. The potential side effects of universal and multiversal travel. Whether or not it is even possible to travel that far one day? How each of these multiverses are possibly. Whether they can all be destroyed in a instant? So many questions I have and why do I expect this you may ask. Well because there are people like me probably wondering the same thing. My questions seem likely theorized theories too by people like me. One last thing I can expect is those common videos or articles “What if this creature were real in our universe?” I won’t be using those for research though don’t worry.

Homework 2.1

Part 1
When James Baldwin said “the world is larger” I think he could have meant by its expanding as usual but information. Like in school we are still being taught about history a bunch of history its important to learn however we aren’t learning about taxes or how to pay them. I still have no clue how to pay my rent later and we will probably not learn that in school. Another thing we should be learning in school is how to do deal with paying stuff like insurance I still have no clue how that works I just assume it’s a subscription to make sure you stay insured. Which brings the second question there is a lot of stuff we should learn in school I can think of. Like some specific life skills or should at least be paid for to learn outside of school. For example swimming some people don’t learn how to swim I know people who don’t know and I am one of them. Another thing is how to take care of your house, stuff like how to pay taxes, deal with a disaster or how to keep invasive pests away. There are so many things we could have been taught while we were little or middle aged that we have to rely on our parents for because no disrespect to the articles but reading a bunch of text never seems to get the message into my brain on how to learn these life skills. If only teachers were teaching life skills maybe we would enter the world with more courage and confidence to live correctly and maybe then we can go back and learn about history. I know for a fact it would probably be more interesting without a test on some person we haven’t had the motivation to research.

Part 2
When I was little beside my toy trains and cars my dad always got me there was the beautiful night sky. The pretty sky I always wondered when I learned about the solar system I was always fascinated. So fascinated I wanted to do a solar system for science fairs at least three times. That fascination slowly grew to theories and I remember I used to always theorize the dumbest things that I found on Youtube. Like Area 51 and stuff like that. I asked questions a bunch about those theories to google and always got interesting results. Of course I didn’t think it was true especially now but a couple stuck key one was multiverse theory. My curiosity grew more and more as I got into high school and aged up and gaining more knowledge. I eventually was at my last year of high school and decided to take world building. So then everything all came together as I was forced to create a world with my own story. I was learning about space and different planets. Like there is this one planet with so many rings and there is another just like Earth. I’d say the educational system definitely boosted my curiosity and when I reached the summer of this year I started watching movies and then multiverse theory was my huge thing I have been curious about. Was it bad? I think it positively influenced me. If multiverse theory wasn’t in my brain all the time I feel as if I would be on a different path that I am now. Why? I almost always think about each outcome on what I do everyday not always though since procrastination still get to me today. So that’s what I wanna research it all comes full circle and multiverse theory and space are so cool.

Homework d.1

One part I found difficult on my first read of the article “Later” was the beginning about the procrastination example about the guy named Akerlof. When I was reading the beginning it felt hard to keep reading the rest of the article cause I kept wondering how this was gonna connect to the article. Throughout the article it does connect to it for sure it was just a long climax I found difficult wrapping my head around especially after the fire two paragraphs where it gets into fashionistas struggle with procrastination it basically gave my head a example and then lost me with more examples yet still getting the point if that makes sense. The second thing I found confusing is kinda the same as the first one I had with the article. After the fourth paragraph they talk about the origin of the word procrastination which made me more confused. It was like we went from one topic to the next from the examples of procrastination to the origin which was also difficult to read since the writer kept quoting stuff from the other articles they said that I have never read before. After I found my third issue I believe the main issue of the article for me is just that I am confused as I read it. It went from topic to topic while remaining in the procrastination topic. As seen from the first two issues, I had been confused with parts not clicking together as I read. I noticed how the article keeps doing this from talking about the examples, to then the statistics, the origin and then what others say and so on. Its hard to keep the whole article together when they aren’t really brought up again its like you gave me a bunch of toys connected to the same story yet having no mention of them again and the other stories they clearly can connect to this same story if that makes sense.