Homework d.1

The article “Later” by James Surowiecki talks an interesting story about procrastination and how it evolves with people. I found this article interesting and confusing. I found it interesting because he uses stories to make the story more appealing. For example in the first paragraph he talks about how it took his friend a long time to get his stuff to the states from india. And when he says about anyone going through things in life, “Many of us go through life with an array of undone tasks, large and
small, nibbling at our conscience”. Also how he uses procrastination with a certain word. That can relate to people on a daily or have a significant meaning to it. people procrastinate due to a lack of motivation or discipline. They feel like they have time to the task so they do it on the last second. Because they don’t find it interesting. Something i found confusing is how the article is structure because it talks about something then it switches to something else. For example when he was talking about General George McClellan. He says, “So a fuller explanation of procrastination really
needs to take account of our attitudes to the tasks being avoided”. But then talks about how those procrastination made him a great leader. “who led the Army of the Potomac during the early years of the Civil War and was one of the greatest procrastinators of all time”. Something i can relate to is perfectionism because i like having everything to be perfect to be appealing to me. I feel like the purpose of the article was to help individuals that struggle with the purpose of the article was to help individuals that struggle with procrastination  and the problems is has. But i feel like this is something that everyone can relate to. Overall the article had important point about the purpose of the article was to help individuals that struggle with procrastination.

Homework 1.3

A narrative is a great way to tell a story to other because your putting in event and stories that has happen in your life, your trying to prove something to others. Giving this stories can boost your educational narrative. Many people will read your story different due to they experiences and common Knowledge. All stories that we have read have a common narrative and that’s through a story telling to the readers about their background and experiences in the real world. All three stories having different problems and event about their life just through conversations with others. A good place to start my own education narrative is talk about an event that has happen to me, then be more detail about it. Having a good story and great background information about that event can make the readers feel the tone of the story. One concern about writing an education narrative is if its too boring or am giving useless information that has no point to my story.

Part 2: An incident that has changed my views on education. Was when i first came to the states i didn’t understand english. My first 2 years was tuff due to the lack of language barrier around me and others that didn’t understand spanish. But in 3rd grade i had an amazing teacher that was very helpful and supportive to me. She help me a lot to learn english and to encourage myself. By my 4th year of being in the US i really learn a lot of english and because of that teacher i was able to accomplish many things in life.

Once i was comfortable speaking english i was able to make friends in school and improve a lot on my education. Because of that teacher i was grateful for her and the importance of having great people around you that is capable of helping you. Having people you can connect with or help you in life can make a significant boost to your moral and life choices.

Homework 1.2

In “How to read like a writer” by Mike Bunn, he talks about how we are already an author and what he means about that is our life choices that we make on our daily lives. We are the ones that can write about our life struggles and things we went through to get where we are now. No one can tell you how to write your story, you are the only one that can write about it. You are the one that writes the story and the way its should be readed. Some things i write about on my daily life is ways i can improve as a person if its through social or mentally. This can help me in my career by improving my social skills and getting better opportunities. Being able to understand things in a reading and writing form. Something i notice in Bunns article is you read what you want to know the context behind the text or story. It gives you a better understand about what the story is going to be about and things you didn’t understand at first. This is something i would like to do more, just getting more information about the story and how it can relate or impact someone’s life.