Source Entries 1 and 2

Topic Question: What has been the legacy of the Roman civilization in terms of language, culture, and governance?

Source Entry 1: “The Roman Empire: Economy, Society and Culture” By Peter Garnsey, Richard Saller,+culture,+and+governance%3F&ots=8MEHPINLvU&sig=SKR7qER9beEri73Nu0CLM6NwMl4

The most significant linguistic legacy of the Romans is the Latin language. Latin served as the official language of the Roman Empire and continued to be used in various forms for centuries. It evolved into the Romance languages such as Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese. Much of the literature of the world has been greatly influenced by the literature of the ancient Romans. Latin root words are also the foundation for many English words. The English alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet. Roman literature, written primarily in Latin, has been a foundational influence on Western literature. Latin has been the language of the Roman Catholic Church for centuries. Ecclesiastical Latin, a distinct form of the language, is used in religious rituals, documents, and teachings. It continues to be a significant part of the Church’s linguistic heritage.After the decentralization of political power in late antiquity, Latin developed locally in the Western provinces into branches that became the Romance languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Catalan, Occitan and Romanian. In summary, the Roman civilization’s legacy in terms of language is extensive and multifaceted. Latin’s impact on the development of Romance languages, its contributions to academic and scientific terminology, and its enduring presence in various aspects of culture and education all attest to the lasting influence of the Roman linguistic heritage. Latin is still taught in many educational institutions around the world. While it is no longer a spoken language, it is studied for its historical and linguistic importance. 

Key information:

  • “Golden Age of Roman Poetry,” poets such as Virgil, Horace, and Ovid produced works that have had an everlasting impact”.
  • “Ancient Romans spoke Latin, which spread throughout the world with the increase of Roman political power. Latin became the basis for a group of languages referred to as the “Romance languages”.

Source Entry 2: “Traces of Ancient Rome in the Modern World” author National Geographic Society, October 19, 2023

Rome had the most influence on the modern world. For thousands of years the Roman Empire flourished, we can still see evidence of it in art, architecture, technology, literature, language, and law. Rome had a big impact on art and architecture, Roman influence in forms and structures throughout the development of Western culture. Rome was heavily influenced by ancient Greece, they were able to make improvements to certain borrowed Greek designs and inventions. They used columns that became more decorative and less structural in Roman buildings. Ancient Romans created curved roofs and large-scale arches, which were able to support more weight than the post-and-beam construction the Greeks used. The arches served as the foundation for the massive bridges and aqueducts the Romans created. The arches of the Colosseum are made out of cement, a remarkably strong building material the Romans made with what they had at hand: volcanic ash and volcanic rock. Scientists believe that the use of this ash is the reason that structures like the Colosseum still stand today.Roman underwater structures proved to be even sturdier. Seawater reacting with the volcanic ash created crystals to make the concrete more durable. Today, scientists study Roman concrete, hoping to match the success of the ancient master builders. Roman architectural styles and engineering techniques have had a lasting impact. Elements like arches, columns, and domes are still prominent in contemporary architecture. The Colosseum, Pantheon, and aqueducts are just a few examples of iconic Roman architectural achievements. Roman art, influenced by Greek traditions, produced statues, mosaics, and frescoes. These artistic expressions continue to inspire artists and architects worldwide.

Key Information:

  • “Sculptural art of the period has proven to be fairly durable, too. Romans made their statues out of marble, fashioning monuments to great human achievements and achievers”.
  • “The game-loving ancients also built large amphitheaters, including the Colosseum. The sports stadiums we see today, with their oval shapes and tiered seating, derive from the basic idea the Romans developed”.

Research Question

Research Topic: Rome civilization

Roman civilization is a topic I would like to learn and talk about because of the significant impact they had worldwide. Rome was the most advanced and powerful civilization during the BC. Ancient Rome conquered a lot of land in Europe and Northern Africa, they built roads and aqueducts, they also spread their language, and religion. They had an incredible and powerful army that defeated a lot of their enemies. This is something I would like to research and learn a lot from because of what other civilizations had to improve and adapt to Rome’s rules and power. 


What were the major religions in ancient Rome, and how did they evolve over time?

How long did an emperor rule?

How did Roman law influence modern legal systems?

What has been the legacy of the Roman civilization in terms of language, culture, and governance?

How did the Roman military operate, and what made their legions so effective?

I’m interested in these questions because Ancient Rome was one of the most influential and enduring civilizations in world history. It spanned over a millennium and had a profound impact on the development of Western culture, politics, law, and many other aspects of modern life. The Roman Republic was characterized by a complex system of checks and balances, with offices and power divided among various branches of government. When I was a freshman it was my first time learning about Rome and the impact it had in the world during the BC and today’s world. But my teacher only talks about this subject for one or two days since I never talk or learn anything about it. That’s why now I want to learn more because of how amazed Rome civilization was and how much it made me think about future civilization. Rome faced numerous challenges, including economic decline, military pressures, and political instability that made Rome had an up and down tragic period. All the history that it has left behind and agriculture.

HomeWork 2.1

In “A Talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin the writer talks about how “American history is longer, larger, more varied, more beautiful and more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it, so is the world larger, more daring, more beautiful and more terrible, but principally larger”. What James Baldwin is referring to this quote is that we should be learning and expanding our knowledge. We live in a world that is huge and a lot to learn from. Our world is always evolving and changing. We should learn more about our world history, as big as the world itself. He recommends that things should be taught that are going to teach you something in life. Baldwin’s stressing point is that as educators it is their responsibility to teach our younger generation about our history/world. Giving them the knowledge they need to be successful in life. Helping them how you can choose the right career for you. James Baldwin believes that teachers are not teaching students things that they should know.  Something I found really true is when he said, “It would seem to me that when a child is born, if I’m the child’s parent, it is my obligation and my high duty to civilize that child”. As a parent you should be the one teaching your child moral rights. Making sure he’s following the right path. Something I feel school should focus more on is teaching moral rights good vs evil. I feel like nowaday not many kids know about our world history, the only things we learn is the same thing every year for example 9-11, Ww2, slavery, and some important people that made an impact on our world. I feel like our knowledge doesn’t really improve or expand unless you as a person take the step to learn more about our world. In school we are just taught to do this and that and you figure out what you want to do in your future.