Since i was a kid i had always been interested in extraterrestrial beings. I feel like it would be fascinating to know that there is life elsewhere in the universe.  I feel like bio astronomy is not something you lose interest in. There is always something to be discovering. Before any discoveries we have to ask ourselves questions. In school there was not really much talking about it. But i found out that the internet have information. My curiosity grew because later on, things about extraterrestrial beings, as well as objects were seen. To me the more footage there was, the more questions that will come up with them. In the article, “schools are killing curiosity,” Wendy Berliner quotes Dr. Prachi Shah as she says “Promoting curiosity is a foundation for early learning that we should be emphasising more when we look at academic achievement.” Children are more likely to retain knowledge about a topic when they are naturally interested in it and become intrigued about it. The majority of questions are asked at schools because this is where kids spend almost all of their time. Most of the time, teachers just request students to keep quiet since they don’t have time to respond. According to Wendy Berliner, the teachers are not at fault. Young children must be introduced to the new topic within a set length of time in order to accomplish the targets. It has been shown that teachers should encourage kids to ask questions since curious students usually perform better. A child’s long-term educational path may be impacted by their absence of curiosity. Curiosity, reflective thinking, and an intense interest in our surroundings are all essential components of learning. Learning is the process of asking questions to comprehend concepts better.

When I read  A “talk to teachers” by James Baldwin he addresses the unfairness in society. Baldwin believes that ethical Americans need to implement education.He indicates that teachers should utilize education to combat injustice in the community. He describes Americans as more likely to believe myths about their supremacy than to engage in critical, truthful thought and action when analyzing American culture. James Baldwin quotes “I would try to make him know that just as American history is longer, larger, more various, more beautiful and more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it, so is the world larger, more daring, more beautiful and more terrible, but principally larger – and that it belongs to him.” By this he means that we should be learning and expanding our knowledge because just as the world is big. Our desire to learn more about outworld history should be quite as big as the world itself. A person can see the world the way they have been taught. Baldwin’s determination to persuade teachers  to abandon their biased views of “negros” and the inaccurate history they are teaching about African Americans. He recommends that a kid should be taught things that are going to actually teach him about real history. I believe it is a necessity to be really taught about the whole world history, even how other countries are involved with each other. When I was in high school and learning about world history I noticed that I was mostly learning about U.S history and well not much was covered. I feel like it would be good because it would let you engage in more meaningful encounters with people from various nations by increasing your understanding of them. By embracing differences and commonalities, you are increasing your regard for and empathy for other people.  

Homework D.1

There’s many reasons why people procrastinate. In essay from the book “Later”, shows us different perspectives on the topic. Even though I found some parts difficult to understand, since James Surowiecki uses a writing strategy where he gives you different examples. Surowiecki managed to keep me interested in his writing when he said “Many of us go through life with an array of undone tasks, large and small, nibbling at our conscience.”As i read that quote, i realized that i might be able to connect with it. As well as when the writer included the short story of the economist. Each paragraph talks about something different but they all have one thing in common which is procrastination. Something that caught my attention was the illustration. To me it shows that someone would prefer to contemplate the task until it’s too late. People tend to procrastinate and leave the task aside because they find something else more compelling to them.

The essay quotes “each morning for over eight months i woke up and decided that the next morning would be the day to send the Stiglitz box.” I found this quote relatable because i have found myself in this situation. I feel like we learn to procrastinate as soon as we turn teens. I know I began procrastinating when i started high school since there was a lot of projects and homework to do. Sometimes I would feel that the closer time gets the more work i would have to do. Since i would have more school work from other classes to do. In a way this essay is showing us that we are not alone in the procrastination topic and even economists struggle with it. Another quote that caught my attention was “….defines procrastination as willingly deferring something even though you expect the delay to make you worse off.”  He is referring to procrastination being as someone postponing a task despite the negative consequences.