There are “ingredients” to making an education narrative genre. I notice in both stories they get straight to the point to attract the readers. In all the stories the narrators start with when and where the story took place, which is the most important ingredient to starting off a story. Not starting off a story like that can cause confusion to the reader. Another ingredient of an education narrative is explanation. Explaining your narrative detail for detail is important to the reader. Doing this can help the reader understand your point of view of the story and they also picture the scene in their head. I think a place to get started with my own education narrative is having an educational experience that has happened to me in the past or even present time. I don’t think that it would be very difficult to come up with a educational experience that has happened to me. A educational experience that I went through was High School. During high school I started it with the mentality that I had in middle school. As I continued throughout my first year of high school, it got hectic with covid and having to quarantine and start going to school online. After that my mentality changed when I was back in the school building. I started high school thinking everything was going to be fine and nothing cray will happen. Never would I have thought the whole world would be going crazy. It was an educational experience because it taught me you never know the ups and downs that can come to you.

Homework 1.2

In the article, Mike Bunn writes ” You are already an author.” There is a meaning when he says this. When Mike Bunn says this in the article, he means that everybody in their own way is an author, whether is writing something or even saying something. An example of being an author can be just as simple as telling someone how your day went or telling them something that has happened to you. This is an example of authorship because telling someone how your day went or something that has happened to you can engage them in putting themselves in your point of view. There are more reasons to why everyone is an author in many ways. Some people are very funny to be around. That can be a way of authorship because think about like this, if people like what you say and it makes them happy and they would want more of it which brings attention to you, that makes you an author and them the listener that want to hear more. That existing expertise will help me in my college reading and writing. I know that it will help me with reading and writing because I am creative at writing and when I read, I always put myself in the authors point of view any time I’m reading. In Bunn’s article I noticed that he questioned ” What is the author’s purpose for this piece of writing? “. This will help me with my writings and find a purpose to the type of writing that I make. I realized that having a purpose to what you write is important in many ways. One way it can help is that other people who read your writing can relate to your piece. Bunn also questions ” who is the intended audience? “. This can help me write and not only focus on one person reading but also write as if im talking to a whole audience.

HW 1.1

I’m not going to lie, college is really scary. It scares me because it’s hard for me to study. I feel like I can get into the groove of studying but my surrounding is mostly my problem. I would start to study and study and then I’ll get a text message then I’ll start to wonder on different apps and then I lose that motivation to keep studying. I need to learn how to keep that motivation rolling and remember I’m in college for a purpose. My worries are the Final exams for my other classes. My worries give me motivation to keep working hard and study hard.

I chose this picture because this was a time I was in a happy place and nothing around me mattered. This picture is me when I went to the JMA Wireless Dome, Syracuse Orange Field, to play in a State Championship football game. This picture means something to me because it was the last time stepping on a field playing something I love.