HW 1.1

Hi my name is Elda and one word to describe how I’m feeling about this course is intrigued, I think that this class is going to be fun and exciting.   My study skills differ from what class I am studying for, but for Comp 1 I would need to have a quiet space and make sure I understand what my professor is asking from me with the assignment and give it my undivided attention, I love writing and reading so I have no problem with it, as long as it’s not boring or anything having to do with American History, I feel as though American history doesn’t make sense to me so I hate reading about it or learning about it. Being in college is a huge change from High School, The workload is bigger and you don’t have time to joke around with anything you have to pay attention and do your best. I am definitely scared that I haven’t made the right choice with my major or that I will fail, I guess you just have to make the best out of it.

The photo I decided to put up is of our last BBQ  that our family had before my grandpa passed away, we enjoyed every second of it and made sure he knew he was loved by each and every single one of us.