H.W 3.2

The music was so captivating, and I found myself completely drawn to the rhythms and melodies. From that moment on, my interest in jazz grew, and I wanted to learn more about its history, impact, and influence. That’s what inspired me to create this project and share my passion for jazz with others.

I decided to write about jazz and its influences on today’s society and literature, i grew up around Art, jazz being a form of it, whether it was music, writing or acting. My purpose for creating this project was to share interesting and engaging information about jazz with people who are interested and want to know more about jazz. I wanted to spark curiosity and appreciation for this incredible genre of music, literature etc. It’s always exciting to have conversations and connect with others over shared interests.Jazz is an incredibly influential genre of music that emerged in the early 20th century. Its unique blend of African rhythms, European harmonies, and improvisation has shaped the musical landscape in profound ways. Jazz has not only influenced other genres like rock, pop, and hip-hop, but it has also played a significant role in promoting social change and breaking down racial barriers. It has been a platform for self-expression, creativity, and cultural exchange. Today, jazz continues to inspire and captivate audiences around the world, reminding us of its enduring impact on society. I wanted to share this information with anyone who’s interested in learning about jazz and its influence on society. I imagined sharing this piece through various mediums like articles, social media, and even presentations. To appeal to the audience, I used a combination of facts (logos) to showcase the influence of jazz, emotions (pathos) to highlight its impact on culture, and the credibility of jazz musicians (ethos) to emphasize its significance.

 Jazz can be introduced in a newspaper to showcase its cultural impact and highlight upcoming events. Introducing jazz in a newspaper allows for wider reach and exposure to a diverse audience. It helps promote upcoming jazz events, share artist profiles, and explore the genre’s influence on other art forms. It’s a way to celebrate the rich history and vibrant presence of jazz in a widely accessible format. Newspapers have a wide readership, so it helps reach a diverse audience and expose them to the beauty and cultural significance of jazz. It can include articles about jazz history, profiles of talented musicians, upcoming jazz events, and album reviews. By featuring jazz in a newspaper, it brings attention to the genre, educates readers, and encourages them to explore and appreciate jazz music. Throughout the process of writing the newspaper, I was struggling to figure out the right placement and knowing how much information to put out, i didn’t want to overwhelm my readers but I also wanted to get them intrigued by the idea of jazz and want to learn more about it. Jazz has a timeless appeal that transcends age boundaries. It resonates with people of all ages because it offers something for everyone. Younger people may appreciate the energy and improvisation, while older generations may have nostalgic connections to the classic jazz standards. Jazz can evoke a range of emotions and create a sense of nostalgia or excitement, making it a versatile and captivating genre for people of all ages.It was actually a lot of fun and not too difficult! I enjoyed researching and sharing information about jazz. As for using this in the future, I definitely think it could be useful. Sharing knowledge and sparking conversations is always a great way to connect with others. Who knows, maybe I’ll get to share more interesting topics with people in the future!

Unit 3 Proposal

For my unit 3 proposal, I was thinking of writing a newspaper, because my topic was jazz and its influence on society and literature. Jazz can be introduced in a newspaper to showcase its cultural impact and highlight upcoming events. Introducing jazz in a newspaper allows for wider reach and exposure to a diverse audience. It helps promote upcoming jazz events, share artist profiles, and explore the genre’s influence on other art forms. It’s a way to celebrate the rich history and vibrant presence of jazz in a widely accessible format. Newspapers have a wide readership, so it helps reach a diverse audience and expose them to the beauty and cultural significance of jazz. It can include articles about jazz history, profiles of talented musicians, upcoming jazz events, and album reviews. By featuring jazz in a newspaper, it brings attention to the genre, educates readers, and encourages them to explore and appreciate jazz music. It’s a fantastic platform to celebrate the artistry and impact of jazz in a broader context. It educates readers about jazz history, showcases talented musicians, and promotes upcoming events. By featuring jazz in a newspaper, we can celebrate its cultural significance and inspire others to explore and appreciate the beauty of jazz music. So let’s keep the jazz vibes flowing!


In conclusion, jazz’s influence on society has been immense. From its origins in African-American communities to its global reach, jazz has transcended boundaries and connected people from diverse backgrounds. It has served as a voice for social change, expressing the struggles, triumphs, and aspirations of marginalized communities. Jazz has also fostered cultural exchange, inspiring musicians and audiences worldwide. Its improvisational nature reflects the spirit of freedom and individuality, encouraging self-expression and creativity. Jazz continues to shape and enrich our society, reminding us of the power of music to unite, inspire, and bring joy to people’s lives.