Homework 1.3

A narrative in my opinion is sort of like a direction an author decides to create or follow. It would show dates, locations, actions, and could probably also talk about the narrator themselves. People may end up reading your narrative due to how interesting or in most cases for students the teacher or teachers find it interesting for other people to observe. Now as for the actual person reading it everyone has their own perspective on anything they physically view. At times maybe people would have “similar” ideas but maybe at times others will be able to see past the vail of all the ideas the author is trying to convey to their audience. The three stories that we read in class all convey problems and situations that the narrator has. They differ in the specific details of how the problems started to what it currently is. To begin my own narrative, I would have to talk about a personal experience that I’d like to share with the people reading. I’ll have to do my best to explain why this was a large issue and how it impacted me today. Creating a sort of direction that establishes the setting, conflict, and etc. My only concern with making a narrative is which I should choose since I’ve had a lot of education stuff happen to me but it’s a matter of whether I’m willing to share it or not.  Part 2: so, you know how adults tells you “Everyone learns differently”, right? So obviously my point is when I used to be in preschool I learned very differently and had to follow a different program then all the other kids. Obviously, I know now that it was the best choice at the time but it is something a still remember. Back when I was younger whenever I would join a class a specific teacher would take me to the back of the classroom with a big table and a few chairs with a few other kids. This was basically a space where this teacher would teach us the same exact thing as what the main teacher would teach but instead would be a lot slower and a lot more mindful compared to them. They would make sure that we were all paying attention and make sure we understood the assignments given to us. You could say it was the “easy mode group”. I remember a lot of students asking me why I was always part of that group but at this time I was too young to understand my own circumstances. Once I left that school and started growing up is when I realized why I was there to begin with. Obviously, I feel very thankful to be given that since it helped me grow as a person.

Homework 1.2

So, most people would read like I would basically be read the words while understanding. I would read by reading it first then forgetting to understand how to read it. Then proceed to read it again for a better understanding. Don’t do what I do since it just creates more work for yourself. Within the story it explains how you should build up a story. He states that if we hadn’t done that, we or anyone else would be able to write their own stories. Any sort of experience you tell someone turns into a story to their eyes and they become the “reader” or in terms of just speaking they are the audience of the story. Listening on the up and downs or the comedic parts of it and many more. The authors try to explain that when reading a book or a story you should be trying to discover his or her purpose for even telling you or the ways they explain their own story. This helps you understand the point the narrator/author is trying to show you. This a slightly opened my eyes to the idea of seeking more out of reading something so I’ll do my best to incorporate this in my free time since doing something a lot ends up becoming a habit which is great for me if it does.

Homework 1.1

Right now, I’m bit relieved that we won’t be expecting to do that much work but overall, I’m still concerned with how much homework we will be getting. Most of my skills as a writer comes in the form of cramming. You might be thinking that this is bad but for a lot of students like me cramming is a great way to get a lot of good stuff out of writers. I basically work the best knowing I don’t have a lot of time left which would sweep away all the laziness I currently have. Most of the time but doing this I would get basic A’s or B’s with sometimes a C if I don’t understand the topic too well. I would do better at paying attention to stuff mentioned in class since I tend to miss that sometimes.

The picture I’ve shown below is something I was researching which would be an interesting idea to put in a game. It’s not necessarily the biggest thing I’ve got its basically a goal that one day while making a game of my own I can make a steam locomotive that runs on only radioactive materials.