Research Question.

Why do humans try to find some sort of God figure or why do they create a religion or religions for their society? So, throughout history a large number of societies decided on the idea of believing in a being or a person with the abilities of creation. This person or people would be recognized for specific tales and specific things they have done for their people. Even in our own modern culture we have a ton of religions centered around a specific god or deities responsible for our creation and daily life. We have Christianity, Judaism, Islamic faith and many more. Some mythologies were created during times of when English wasn’t a language most people didn’t speak (90% of them) and some of them are from a great past that aren’t translatable since the way they communicated the religion was through the use of stone tablets or drawings illustrating what happened long ago and to why they may have served that being. What got me so interested in this was my love for Egyptian mythology and a few game series that uses that knowledge of things we already know about these mythologies. What I exact is not really an answer but maybe a sort of understanding that I can come up with after researching to why many cultures may have done this.

Homework 2.1

So let me copy and paste a quote I found interesting, “It is not really anegre revolution” that is upsetting the country. What is upsetting the country is a sense of its own identity. If, for example, one managed to
change the curriculum in all the schools so that Negroes learned more about themselves and their real contributions to this culture, you would be liberating not only Negroes, you’d be liberating white people who know nothing about their own history. And the reason is that if you are compelled to lie about one aspect of anybody’s history, you must lie about it all. If you have to lie about my real role here, if you have to pretend that I hoed all that cotton just because I loved you, then you have done something to yourself. You are mad” So basically what I’ve gathered from this one quote is the idea of how schools teach history and such. The basic thing that’s done is that schools would have a specific perspective when teaching kids. Like for example have your preschool or middle school teachers ever tell you that Christphor Columbus was a hero. Most people aren’t aware, but Christphor Columbus was not a hero based on the actions he performed. Why would the United States do this? Beats me. But I could give an educated guess to why they might do this. So, from the last history lesson of my 12th-grade experience, I’ve learned that America has done a lot of things they aren’t proud of. However, they have some sort of God complex or some sort of higher complex than normal countries. They are pushed to being the greatest country in the world so it would be possible that they would benefit from this idea being a reality so it would make sense to make sure to make certain stories be told differently. With this they also have done some twisted stuff like making statues of these murderers to spread fear to other countries and cultures. They are basically saying “Stay away from the ‘land of the free’ and you won’t lose almost everything for the sake of your own culture”. The school systems are changed so that the truth won’t get out. However, that changes once people further their education. Different people teach different things so obviously the only way you wouldn’t know about this would be that you are a sheep to the government which don’t be offended 50% of Americans are.

Homework d.1

So for the article I read “Later” is a striking take on the perspectives of other people procrastinating. Although I tend to do this a lot, the only thing that I have to say is that compared to other people who may feel bad about doing work, I typically feel a natural feeling of laziness. What the writer did was basically give a bunch of stories that basically tie into the point of the entire idea that basically everyone procrastinates but through different ways. He also uses procrastination to try and reach out to the reader by specifying how we would feel and why we would try to procrastinate. He basically stated that we do this to avoid the feeling of having something to do such as for example if you are a student given a large amount of homework you would basically have this feeling of not wanting to do it or basically having to think of it so as a response they would try to avoid it without trying to do it or either they would avoid it then attempt to do it later. Personally, for me I can relate to a few points of this. There would be times that a teacher/professor would give a large assignment as homework and give us like a week to do it which is fine but at the same time kind of kills me since they aren’t really thinking about the other types of stuff the other teachers would give us which would stack right on top of the to do things that has to be done. It makes it harder to do what we need to and gives me more of a reason to procrastinate.Â