Unit 3 proposal

My genre for unit 3 is a letter to the education council. Since my topic was based on the role religion plays in education. I feel like this is a good choice since I was searching for the impact religion can have on education as well. Writing a letter to my target audience can go both ways since it all depends on how the person views religion. My target audience will be educators and the department of education. What I would like to show my audience that I learned is that religion has its cons and pros. It mostly has pros since the only con would be that there are so many religions, and it will be complicated to pick one to teach. To me religion can be a way to help students develop in a more successful way. My steps to create my letter will be searching up who I really have to send it to. I would have to make my letter be as professional and concrete as possible. I feel like my letter needs to be detailed on my topic and have actual facts. My biggest concern is what if I didn’t pick the right genre for my topic.

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