Unit 3 proposal

The most important thing that I learned in unit two while writing my paper that I want to teach my audience (all artists and collectors) is to provide them with a deeper understanding of the history, development, and significance of museums in the art world.  By exploring the origins of museums and the impact they have had on art, artists can gain valuable insights and inspiration for their own work. The audience I’m trying to reach are artists as well as museum collectors. It could be as well as young artists or future collectors who are just joining into this interest. A genre I could potentially use could be a website, I believe is easily accessible and the best way to display all my information. I could also do a magazine where I could include more color and images with color and people can access at all times even without the internet. First, I plan to start with gathering more information and maybe find some examples that I can refer to. I’m a little bit worried about it not being boring while including enough information. As well as not including a lot of words and many visual examples because that is how artists learn and work best. 

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