
In conclusion, all the articles above that I researched has all pointed me to the three biggest main theories that we know and I know for sure could give some existence of the multiverse and many other universes. The first being that the multiverse has a structure keeping all the universes next to ours from colliding so thanks structure or whatever you are. Secondly, there are infinite amounts of universes that exist with different versions of us with different outcomes and many more due to the Big Bang so the game “Life is Strange” could have been on to something. Finally, it could also be structured like a pocket universe a bunch of them that we just can’t see or reach yet. Among all of that I learned it all has been theorized to be connected to quantum mechanics which surprised me. I am a heavy fan of Marvel so I knew some what about multiverse theory from the amount of movies they have about multiverse travel. However I didn’t actually expect the research to also connect to quantum mechanics like Marvel since it seemed not realistic with there characters like Doctor Strange and Spiderman but I guess I was completely wrong. I feel like learning all of this has heavily helped prove whether Multiverses are real or not though. It’s not like we can necessarily prove something like pocket dimensions existing with a real cool quantum machine but based off our studies of quantum physics, space and the universe maybe one day. However based off films I have watched I feel like not a good amount of people should know about multiverse theory being traversable since then someone who gets stuff from other universes could end up being a evil person and destroy our universe and many others so maybe just stick to having scientists know this information if it exists one day. So that’s what I learned in my research and I hope one day in the far future or soon we can prove the multiverse is a real thing full of many beautiful universes but for now we have to wonder whether the multiverse is even real or not?

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