Research Question.

Why do humans try to find some sort of God figure or why do they create a religion or religions for their society? So, throughout history a large number of societies decided on the idea of believing in a being or a person with the abilities of creation. This person or people would be recognized for specific tales and specific things they have done for their people. Even in our own modern culture we have a ton of religions centered around a specific god or deities responsible for our creation and daily life. We have Christianity, Judaism, Islamic faith and many more. Some mythologies were created during times of when English wasn’t a language most people didn’t speak (90% of them) and some of them are from a great past that aren’t translatable since the way they communicated the religion was through the use of stone tablets or drawings illustrating what happened long ago and to why they may have served that being. What got me so interested in this was my love for Egyptian mythology and a few game series that uses that knowledge of things we already know about these mythologies. What I exact is not really an answer but maybe a sort of understanding that I can come up with after researching to why many cultures may have done this.

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