HomeWork 2.1

In “A Talk to Teachersā€ by James Baldwin the writer talks about how “American history is longer, larger, more varied, more beautiful and more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it, so is the world larger, more daring, more beautiful and more terrible, but principally larger”. What James Baldwin is referring to this quote is that we should be learning and expanding our knowledge. We live in a world that is huge and a lot to learn from. Our world is always evolving and changing. We should learn more about our world history, as big as the world itself. He recommends that things should be taught that are going to teach you something in life. Baldwin’s stressing point is that as educators it is their responsibility to teach our younger generation about our history/world. Giving them the knowledge they need to be successful in life. Helping them how you can choose the right career for you. James Baldwin believes that teachers are not teaching students things that they should know.Ā  Something I found really true is when he said, “It would seem to me that when a child is born, if Iā€™m the childā€™s parent, it is my obligation and my high duty to civilize that child”. As a parent you should be the one teaching your child moral rights. Making sure he’s following the right path. Something I feel school should focus more on is teaching moral rights good vs evil. I feel like nowaday not many kids know about our world history, the only things we learn is the same thing every year for example 9-11, Ww2, slavery, and some important people that made an impact on our world. I feel like our knowledge doesn’t really improve or expand unless you as a person take the step to learn more about our world. In school we are just taught to do this and that and you figure out what you want to do in your future.

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