Homework d.1

So for the article I read ā€œLaterā€ is a striking take on the perspectives of other people procrastinating. Although I tend to do this a lot, the only thing that I have to say is that compared to other people who may feel bad about doing work, I typically feel a natural feeling of laziness. What the writer did was basically give a bunch of stories that basically tie into the point of the entire idea that basically everyone procrastinates but through different ways. He also uses procrastination to try and reach out to the reader by specifying how we would feel and why we would try to procrastinate. He basically stated that we do this to avoid the feeling of having something to do such as for example if you are a student given a large amount of homework you would basically have this feeling of not wanting to do it or basically having to think of it so as a response they would try to avoid it without trying to do it or either they would avoid it then attempt to do it later. Personally, for me I can relate to a few points of this. There would be times that a teacher/professor would give a large assignment as homework and give us like a week to do it which is fine but at the same time kind of kills me since they arenā€™t really thinking about the other types of stuff the other teachers would give us which would stack right on top of the to do things that has to be done. It makes it harder to do what we need to and gives me more of a reason to procrastinate.Ā 

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