Homework d.1

I can reflect to some parts of the article. For example, in the beginning of the article George didn’t want to mail clothes from India to the United States because it was going to be a big hassle. I can relate to him because there have been times when I refuse to do things at the moment and let it sit till later. I would never procrastinate for a very long time though. I found it crazy to hear that “Each year, Americans waste hundreds of millions
of dollars because they don’t file their taxes on time.” that’s a very huge number that actually surprises me. I feel like procrastination is a very common thing that everyone does. What gets irritating is when its done for a very long time and stuff never gets done. In the text it states “the first step to dealing with procrastination isn’t admitting that you have a problem. It’s admitting that your “you”s have a problem.” which I think is not always necessarily true. For example the author says “When I was writing this piece, for instance, I had to take my car into the shop, I had to take two unanticipated trips, a family member fell ill, and so on.” So basically being a procrastinator doesn’t always mean your lazy or the problem, You can also be very busy with other things like the situation the author was in. In the article it also talks about how procrastination can lead to more bad situations. In the article it says “When he took charge of the Union army, McClellan was considered a military genius, but he soon became famous for his chronic hesitancy. In 1862, despite an excellent opportunity to take Richmond from Robert E. Lee’s men, with another Union army attacking in a pincer move, he dillydallied, convinced that he was blocked by hordes of Confederate soldiers, and missed his chance.” This part of the article shows that McClellan had a lack of confidence.

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