Unit 3 Proposal

My researched topic is what has been the legacy of the Roman civilization in terms of language, culture, and governance? 

For the unit 3 proposal I would do a modern documentary style for my research project. My audience is going to be schools (teachers and students) learning the importance of ancient history and the impact it had and brought to our society. The thing I’ll teach to my audience is the legacy of Rome. In this documentary it will be a brief summary of Rome civilization, how it started and how it grew to be known as the most powerful civilization it was. The legacy in terms of language, culture, and governance. Also their downfall and where is Rome today and the impact it brought to our society. Also key things that society learns and adapts to. My goal for my audience is going to be making sure of the importance of history and how it made society adapt and improve over the years. I choose this because it’s a topic I’m very interested in and learn more about. I think we as a society dont really give much credit to the ancient world. My plan is to first get as much information about my topic, then look around for examples of documents style writing. Make sure that I have pictures and good writing work. Something i’m worried about is if i don’t end up like it then i dont what other thing to do it as.

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