
I want to teach my audience how to build a business. I want to explain the differences between just building a business versus building a company, and how to achieve both simultaneously in conjunction with one another.  Asking how to build a business is a loaded question as there are impossibly many variables, as well as answers to that question. Therefore, I have decide to focus on those who have both the creative/ constructive ability to make garments uniquely theirs, and a drive to share that with the world. Like for myself, the business aspects of the fashion industry seem daunting. I am here to break all of it down into small, easily digestible pieces. In this blog, I will take you with me throughout my journey. I am not only going to answer questions and tell you what to do, and what not to do. I will fully demonstrate everything. I will lay out what to do, do it, and report back with my experience. Hopefully, uncovering answers to questions I didn’t know needed answering. The first step; make a game-plan. A checklist perhaps. A long with that, I will create the platform on which I will be posting. My only concern I have about this project is time. A few steps, I assume will involve filing forms and getting different forms back from the government. Being the government, it may take extremely long for everything to processed. Hopefully, if it does take too long I will be able to complete next steps while waiting for a response.

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