HW 3.1

WRITE: Answer the “Know Your Publication” Questions we looked at in class for the hypothetical publication YOU would like to publish in.

  • What kinds of articles/ stories/ media  (and ads and videos for that matter) are on that site?  


– There will be art pieces and artifacts featured, that have a background to The Met, as well as maybe a piece and a story of how it traveled to The Met, a story of an artifact being found and then returned. 


  • What does that tell you about who they think their audience is? How do you draw that conclusion?


– Since there is visualization, my main audience are artists. Artists love looking at art and getting inspiration, and also learn their best with visualization, so something written down or a imagie are the best options. 


  • How long are the pieces usually? (pages, words, minutes)?


– There can be a maximum of 3 pages including a feature on the magazine page and then 2 pages within the magazine. 


  • What is the tone, usually? (funny, serious, casual)


– The tone is fun and serious, educational and interesting. 


  • What kind of diction is usually used? (casual, formal, academic, etc.) 


– Formal and academic diction.


  • How do they usually use evidence/ support (such as data, quotations, interviews, etc)?


– There is gonna be credit given to artists and their work as well as credit from where the stories are coming from. 


  • What can you tell us about their visual presentation?  Is it all black and white text? Video with lots of graphics? 


– It will be very colorful and full of light while staying modern and not cheesy. 


  • Do you think this would be a good publication or forum to reach your intended audience?  Why or why not?


– Yes this is a great way since my audience can carry with them at all times, while riding the subway while on vacation, cut out and create collages and just save for many years.  

WRITE: Write a plan for Unit 3 – New Genre piece.  What are your goals for working/ thinking/ brainstorming/ gathering material? Write a schedule.

  • My goals are to bring the best stories and visualizations to my audience. 
  • Keeping it interesting and mesmerizing.
  • First work on finding captivating stories. 
  • Second page layout.
  • Colors, graphics, text.
  • Share with friends and family for feedback. 

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