Final source entry and conclusion

Source Entry 3:

Romans have influenced the Western justice system. Although the Roman justice system was extremely harsh in its punishments, it did serve as a rough outline of how court proceedings happen today.The Romans made significant contributions to the development of legal systems. The concept of “innocent until proven guilty” and the establishment of a legal code have had a lasting impact on modern legal systems worldwide. The Roman Republic and later the Roman Empire also provided models of governance that influenced politics throughout centuries. Roman law had a major influence over the modern day laws of many countries. Legal ideas like trial by jury, civil rights, contracts, personal property, legal wills, and corporations all stem from Roman law. The executive branch of Rome during the Republic was the consuls, the legislative was the assemblies who made the laws and the Roman Senate which decreed them, and the judges were the judiciary. The people’s assembly served to vote for the consuls in the same way common people vote for elected officials in the present day. During the Empire, the executive branch was the Roman emperor, the legislative was the assemblies/Senate, and the judiciary remained the judges. The Roman military was the most efficient and powerful of its time and the Romans developed many aspects of military life still in use today. Basic training was mandated in order to instill discipline as well as skill in battle and use of arms. The Roman legions were equalitarian in that a soldier of the lowest class could rise through the ranks to become an officer. The Roman army had a corps of engineers, logistics and support staff, ordnance corps, communications divisions, and skilled medical support staff.

Key information:

  • Roman legions relied on immaculately arranged formations that were well-organized and able to adapt on the battlefield.
  • Roman military officers demonstrated in battle their capacity for individual decision-making, such as the flanking action at Cynoscephalae in which the Macedonians were completely crushed by the maneuver of a military tribune.

Conclusion: In summary, the legacy of the Roman civilization is multi-faceted and continues to shape various aspects of contemporary society. From legal principles and governance structures to language, architecture, and cultural values, the Romans have left an enduring imprint on the course of human history. The Roman Empire conquered the entirety of the Mediterranean. Something I found interesting is the impact they have on today’s world. Many things that we have or adapt have come from Rome such as technology and the government system. I think school should talk more and teach about ancient Rome and the impact it had in our society, and what we have learned from past events. People who like history or like law should key into ancient Rome; this is something you can learn a lot from. I found this research topic fun and exciting because it’s something I barely got to learn about in high school. Going back in history and seeing a dominant force that Rome was and the success they had for centuries is unheard of.

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