Sources 1 & 2

Source 1: “Do parallel universes exist? We might live in a multiverse.” By: Vicky Sam

The article I found that was published November 3, 2021 gave a bunch of knowledge that I found very helpful. For example Vicky Sam very much stated a convincing bit of knowledge onto multiverses “Vicky says cosmic inflation continues in other places across the universe called the theory of eternal inflation and when the inflation ends in a particular spot, a new bubble universe forms” And this is exactly how it relates back to my question as it proves exactly that a new universe is definitely out there somewhere with this inflation I can already imagine how many different universes there must be.

Source 2: “What is the multiverse—and is there any evidence it really exists?” By: Nadia Drake

The article here I found published March 13, 2023 written by Nadia Drake gives a bunch of good information for multiverse theory to possibly exist. However as I was reading I noticed in the last article Vicky Sam says some really good points that connects to Nadia’s research “The many-worlds theory proposes instead that every time one state, or outcome, is observed, there is another “world” in which a different quantum outcome becomes reality. This is a branching arrangement, in which instant by instant, our perceived universe branches into near-infinite alternatives.” So the many world theory basically is just every single choice we choose not to make existing. This can mean I am not in graphic design and could be in architecture or maybe even something more jurassic like dinosaurs could exist along side us. If we were able to go to other universes we could be living infinitely instead of just a 120 years max we could be in the cyberpunk like future! How does this relate to Nadia’s article though? Nadia states “According to this interpretation, versions of you could be off living the many different possible lives you could have led if you’d made different decisions.” This means, Nadia most likely agrees with this theory too I am also sure the Marvel community would be ecstatic about the news of my research.

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