Source entry 1 & 2

Source entry 1

On the website  i came across a curriculum by Professor Bill Pelz at Herkimer College and he quotes “Religion can also serve as a filter for examining other issues in society and other components of a culture. For example, after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, it became important for teachers, church leaders, and the media to educate Americans about Islam to prevent stereotyping and to promote religious tolerance.” What professor Bill Pelz is saying  is that with the understanding that religion provides, one may examine many social issues and qualities of a civilization. For instance, after the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001, it became necessary that educators, leaders of religion, and the media educate Americans about Islam in order to disprove misconceptions and promote religious tolerance. Understanding our history and culture is made easier by religious education. It additionally encourages compassion and tolerance for the opinions and traditions of other people.

Source entry 2

In the article “how does religion affect the education system?” By Professor Gerald, he adds about a study that the UCLA conducted and says “..students who engage in spiritual behaviors feel more satisfied with their social lives on campus, have more positive interactions with classmates, rate a more positive overall college experience, and report higher GPAs than non-spiritual students.” Professor Gerald was trying to make us understand that by learning religion students have more moral and ethical concepts to help them develop positive goals. I feel that if religion is being taught to a student, the student most likely follow up with that religion and do only what’s right. For example, in Christianity, believing in God is having faith. Maybe praying before an exam can be a student’s way of knowing that they are going to be more than fine. If religion was included in the curriculum for school it can mean that there will be obedience between races.

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