Source 1 & 2

Source 1 :“There isn’t Enough Privacy On Social Media And That Is A Real Problem”    By :https:peter suciu Forbes

The source I found was published on June 26,2020 it talked about  the problems of privacy on social media and what current people had to say about it. To show the numbers and proof of the world having issues to how much their privacy gets invaded “According to a report from, more than 250,000 social media users may have also had their information fully exposed on a deep web hacking forum.The leak was discovered on June 6, 2020 when a known threat actor posted on a popular deep web/dark web hacking forum that he/they had compromised the Preen.Me system and were then holding the personal information of more than 100,000 affiliated influencers for ransom.” People on social media take the risk of that when they decide to be on it , having to make a  password that no one knows or the longest password you can think of maybe it can secure your privacy but no it can secure your privacy enough and it’s an issue that has to knowledge more. Another quote that I found interesting that Erich Kron, security awareness advocate at KnowBe4 who decided to share his opinion “ It is important to understand that not only was the information about the individual stolen, but other data such as Facebook friend lists and additional data that could even put others at risk,” added Kron. “Given the volume of information lost here, it is important that the organization contact victims as soon as possible and that they provide a statement about the breach, something they have not done yet.” What he basically said that it doesn’t just affect one person getting their information stolen it also affects the people they are connected with it as well which increases the risks more . People who were qualified to make sure to keep our privacy secure haven’t done enough to make it more safer.

Source 2: “ The State Of Consumers Data Privacy Laws (Why Does It Matters)”     By: Thorin Klosowski

This source is from The New York Time by Thorin Klosowski published on September 6, 2021 when talking about this article it will be more legal/illegal issues, learning the rights you have to your own privacy. “The United States doesn’t have a singular law that covers the privacy of all types of data. Instead, it has a mix of laws that go by acronyms like HIPAA, FCRA, FERPA, GLBA, ECPA, COPPA, and VPPA.” To more understand what he is saying  there is no law your privacy on social media are easy to access since there isn’t no federal privacy law  many social media companies can do whatever they want with your information. In fact in some states companies are able to share or sell your data without you knowing and it gets worse. When reading this the words he uses shows the concerns he has about this issues saying his opinion “At its best, a data privacy law could make it so that you can buy the latest gizmos with fun new features without having to fret over the fact that the company is collecting more data than you realize” using a sense of humor and opinion to connect more. The quotes and statements I have read help me to write the same issues I learned about so it can slowly get more attention.

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