Research Question Proposal

The major question I wish to discuss amongst my bibliography is, how does gender roles specifically affect families? Like in any society; genders have gender roles: society’s definition of men and women. For example, men are expected to be: masculine, dominant, stoic, in control, and un-feminine. Whereas, women are expected to be: feminine, not “fat”, understanding, and un-masculine. With these gender roles, a system is created that derives out of toxicity for both masculinity and femininity. Society normally views this concept of gender as if it was written in stone and a person would be crucified like heretics if they would call out these concepts. The concept of gender with its toxic roles is like a bird cage that locks people from reaching their full potential. Gender roles make men, women, and even worse young children, live up toxic standards that are perceived to be ok. No one should be forced to live a certain lifestyle just to be accepted by society. The toxicity of gender roles leaks into American society affecting marriages, education, salaries, and much more(placeholder). These concepts are particularly interesting for me to research about, as gender roles and misogyny thouroughly affected my adolescence and my parents marriage. Often gender norms were constantly casted on me and affected the way I and many other women experienced girlhood. There were instances when gendering items and actions for on apparent reason occurred such as when my father taught me all the “boy stuff” (mainly sports and fishing) and how to do the girlie things (laundry, mending, cooking), but more so because I didn’t want to be helpless than because I had to be a girl. The parent of the opposing gender would always correct me if I ever behaved in a very boyish or girlish manner.The only time gender roles were rigid was when my mother went to great measures to protect a notion of purity. My mother didn’t try to hide the fact that there were many tight curfews and rules in place and that they wouldn’t apply to me if I were a guy. Though gendering items seems harmless due to generations of this occurrence, this continues a cycles of sexism. Reinforcing genders and binaries, suggest the major idea that men and women are not equal, this affects family dynamics through both married couples and their children. These instances make me very passionate about writing about this topic within my bibliography.

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