Research questions

Topic : Social Media & Privacy

Social media is a common decision and mostly everyone has it , meaning Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter , and TikTok so much more. It’s easy to talk about social media but there’s things that people don’t know and learn from it , which is why I have certain questions.

– Who decided to come up with the word and meaning of social media?

– Why do some people feel so comfortable to share everything on social media known random people that they don’t know now know things about them?

– How much privacy do people get when they apply themself on social media , are they ok with it?

– How advanced are these social media companies when it comes to protecting a person’s privacy?

– Who has access to our various data assets?

– What would it be like if social media was already going years before, would it change society now ?


The reasons why I’m interested in these questions is because now that I’m looking into social media I never really thought about the privacy a person has. Even how people can get information from the minute you have social media now, I have social media I see the things different people post and I find it interested how much of their life they put out their for people to see and I wonder if they think that their privacy is secured. To add more into how young kids share into social media and why don’t social media do better for the age limit when it comes to social media.                                                      I expect from this research is to teach people and myself more about be aware of the limits and security of a person’s privacy on social media and drastically it can change person’s life. Just how can Social media platforms can collect personally identifiable information and users’ sensitive data, including medical or health records, biometric data, education records, credit and so much more.

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