Homework 2.1 (part 2)

What always caught my attention as kid would be hospitals , doctors the whole medical field. Whenever I went to the hospital to go visits someone or go for a checkup I always see how the doctors were dressed and how fast they would talk about a patient and explaining the diagnose that the patients have . I always ask my mom what are they saying , what are the tools they are using she would try her best to answer but the one question I asked and she wasn’t sure to answer would “How come when people go to the hospital it’s to get better but sometimes they get worse , why does that happen? Throughout the years I’m still curious of what goes on a doctor’s mind on how they talk to a patient and how they do procedures I myself wanted to be in the medical field just not exactly do so many years of  studying but I’m studying how to help a a patient through an x-ray. Asking those questions is what made me interested to still learn more about medicine that got me to where I am today . Although without the  school system I could’ve lost interest teachers and counselors pushed me into looking for the different opportunities to learn about the medical field even bringing people from this field to talk students about it. I still have questions about this topic of how much can medicine change throughout the years , will the future still need doctors nurses etc?

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