Homework 2.1 (part 2)

When I was a kid, I was always interested in many different things but what really caught my attention was looking at all new different types of vehicles and wondered what the future would look like. I can ask many questions about how the future would look, but the answer can never be determined. It is one of those things that you just have to wait and find out for yourself. I will forever have this question and be curious to find out the answer. There are many entrepreneurs or designers that have created things that has the potential to change or shape our future. For example, Elon Musk who created tesla has shaped most cars nowadays. The tesla cars have changed the car industry, for example, because of tesla car companies are finding ways to make their cars drive on their own or how Tesla’s have a huge screen to watch Netflix on it, so cars are evolving and trying to one up it by putting TVs into the cars. If cars are starting to have TVs this makes me question what else are cars going to have in the future, some cars even have built in refrigerators for keeping drinks cool. I feel like schools are so stuck on us needing to learn about the past history that they don’t mention the new things that can shape our future. Every year my curiosity has grown more and more because not only in cars and vehicles, but also in other things like clothing and buildings that has new designs and innovations that may not look like what we are used to. This makes me question, if things are looking futuristic now then how will things look like in a couple more years? This is why I have been interested in what the future would look like.

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