Since i was a kid i had always been interested in extraterrestrial beings. I feel like it would be fascinating to know that there is life elsewhere in the universe.  I feel like bio astronomy is not something you lose interest in. There is always something to be discovering. Before any discoveries we have to ask ourselves questions. In school there was not really much talking about it. But i found out that the internet have information. My curiosity grew because later on, things about extraterrestrial beings, as well as objects were seen. To me the more footage there was, the more questions that will come up with them. In the article, “schools are killing curiosity,” Wendy Berliner quotes Dr. Prachi Shah as she says “Promoting curiosity is a foundation for early learning that we should be emphasising more when we look at academic achievement.” Children are more likely to retain knowledge about a topic when they are naturally interested in it and become intrigued about it. The majority of questions are asked at schools because this is where kids spend almost all of their time. Most of the time, teachers just request students to keep quiet since they don’t have time to respond. According to Wendy Berliner, the teachers are not at fault. Young children must be introduced to the new topic within a set length of time in order to accomplish the targets. It has been shown that teachers should encourage kids to ask questions since curious students usually perform better. A child’s long-term educational path may be impacted by their absence of curiosity. Curiosity, reflective thinking, and an intense interest in our surroundings are all essential components of learning. Learning is the process of asking questions to comprehend concepts better.

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