Alexis Abraham-HW 1.2

I think Mike Bunn’s callout “You are already an author.” means we write all the time. Whether it’s writing posts on social media, answering/responding to emails, writing for school, sending text messages all day long… we write constantly! I think Mike Bunn means even the simplest writings are still writing and you are the author of that writing. I know my writing can be short with poor grammar, misspelled words and lots of abbreviations but this is my own unique way of putting words together to get a laugh: LOL, LMAOF or a sad face emoji or other emotional responses from my audience. This is authorship! 

I dont really know how this knowledge will help me with my college reading and writing! When I read in my personal life I look for things I can connect with, this makes it easier for me to write a summary or to give my POV. I have never really been a deep reader or writer…when Mike talks about “Read Like a Writer” that really doesnt mean much to me. I read for enjoyment or to gain some kind of information so I can respond to a question my teacher is asking or to summarize what I have read. Mike goes really deep into reading and breaking it down in this article. I’m not really interested in reading that deeply. In my opinion if an author writes a book, article, blog about something I’m interested in and gets me to think about the content or brings out some emotional response in me I would consider them a good author. This article was a bit much for me to really comprehend, I did not find it very interesting.

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