Homework 1.2

In “How to read like a writer” by Mike Bunn, he talks about how we are already an author and what he means about that is our life choices that we make on our daily lives. We are the ones that can write about our life struggles and things we went through to get where we are now. No one can tell you how to write your story, you are the only one that can write about it. You are the one that writes the story and the way its should be readed. Some things i write about on my daily life is ways i can improve as a person if its through social or mentally. This can help me in my career by improving my social skills and getting better opportunities. Being able to understand things in a reading and writing form. Something i notice in Bunns article is you read what you want to know the context behind the text or story. It gives you a better understand about what the story is going to be about and things you didn’t understand at first. This is something i would like to do more, just getting more information about the story and how it can relate or impact someone’s life.

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