Homework 1.2

The author Mike Bunn, who wrote the article “How to Read Like a Writer”  help’s college students in their new journey in reading and writing at a college level. The author starts us off with background on his life and with the quote “You are already an author”. By this he means that each and everyone of us are the author of ourselves, our story, our background. We each have our own way of writing and telling a personal story, meaning the way we write and the vocabulary we already use in our daily lives. I have many words and phrases that I use in particular from others, that I have used in things I have written. Some things I have already written are letters to my loved ones. In those very long letters I include very interesting phrases that only I use, and form paragraphs filled with my authorship. This existing expertise that I have already formed will help me in my college reading and writing career by already knowing how to articulate and express things in the most successful way for readers. There are many ways to read but one way which resonates with my personal life and my college major (architecture) are the two ways the author speaks about on page 74. He states “There are many ways to read, but generally speaking there are two ways. They correspond to the two ways in which we may be interested in a piece of architecture.”, as well as Allen Tate’s metaphor “reading as if you were an architect is a great way to think about RLW. When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to “build” one for yourself.”. This example regarding architecture is really helpful to me since I have a passion for building as well as the history behind it. I will definitely use this example in my future writings. Lastly, I also noticed all the past students’ feedback and experience in college writing and reading. One that stood out to me in particular, is the way students mentioned to first consider the context of both the assignment you’re given and the text that you’re reading, before you even begin with reading. I would like to try to do this in my future writings, since i believe it will make a big difference. 

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