
I would say the word that best describes how i feel about starting college is enthusiastic. I was so thrilled when i found out i was going to start school since i haven’t been in about 7 years. It’s going to be hard getting back on track but at the end it’s all worth it. Graduating college is a big step for me since i will be the first generation in my family to be doing it. I am currently taking classes and i feel a little unstable in class because i have little memory from classes in high school. Being able to have a routine that includes school in a way it betters my life. Responsibilities go hand to hand with college and one of those responsibilities is studying. I find it that the most efficient way for me to focus and actually study is by getting myself to a bright, quiet room with some snacks. Starting my classes have made me feel all types of emotions but all the synonyms for exited should end up describing how i feel.


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