HW 1.1- Intro

Due to my significant tardiness today, I am currently feeling nervous about this class. I’ve been really confident with my other classes because I’ve been managing my schedule properly, but today I completely misjudged my class time. Even though it is only the first class, it’s difficult to feel as though I am already behind on the actual work.

My study skills are very lack-luster high school was so easy for me, the only form of studying I did was watch videos reviewing the unit. Currently, I’ve been attempting to memorize notes by color coding. I’m constantly experimenting with new techniques, and I’m not sure if any of them are actually effective, but I want to keep trying new things until I find one that works.

My major concern for my first semester is falling behind in work, to make sure this doesn’t happen I’ve found a study group and am trying to create supportive relationships between me and my fellow peers. But if I’m being honest I am truly shaking in my boots.

This image means a lot of to me, as generational trauma truly affects everyone. I was able to escape the harsh household I grew up in, and due to this my mom learned a lot about becoming a better parent. I do everything so one day, my siblings can grow up and I can help them get all the opportunities they deserve.  I chose this specific image because I didn’t have the opportunity to simply have fun as a child, so the little adventures my little brother and I have truly means the world to me.


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