Final Blog Post (due Wed, 5/22)

Hi everyone,

For your final blog post, you have the choice of

A) revising one of your previous blog posts


B) writing a response to the article that the final exam is on (a PDF of which is in the Essay Assignments folder)so as to prepare for writing the actual exam.

If you choose B), I will be looking for the following items regarding the final exam article  in your post:

Title, Author, Main Idea, Thesis, Your Response, 1-2 ideas from the article, 1-2 ideas about the main idea taken from at least 1 article you find online

Thanks—and best of luck studying!








9 thoughts on “Final Blog Post (due Wed, 5/22)”

  1. Revised Media  Analysis post:

    With the savage slaying of unarmed black people by the hands of the police it feels more like 1954 then 2019. It seems that society has entered a time machine and is heading back to a time where some might say America was at its greatest hence the slogan the current president loves to repeat every chance he gets “Make America Great Again” yet to others this was time where America was at its worst. I believe that this artist though his graphic artwork which he titled “Birth of a Nation” captured a great reputation of what America is today real how its always been, and how it became the great nation. The conflict that I see in this image is how America was built on the hard work, sweat, blood and tears of African Americans people. How society till this day refuse to talk and acknowledge the countless and continuing contributions that African American people made in creating the history of America that people love so much and what it is today. The more I look at this image the more I questions I have. Such as why did the artist choose to have a black male giving birth rather than a black female giving birth. Another question I have is why did the artist choose the flag to be giving birth to what’s the symbolism behind that. Lastly how does the flag symbolic mean effect the image an how does that play in the image, also why was it a white man doing the birth delivery itself what’s the significant of that.

    Revision: Question


    1) Why did the artist decided to name his piece “Birth Of A Nation”?

    2) What is the significant of the chains?


  2. Original post:

    2a) In the narrative passage “Silence” the main enigma/conflict that is shown is when Young Chris Case tells everyone his right leg was taken off and Deidre wanted to see it. The way the enigma was shown according to the passage Young Chris Case changed the topic from describing the loudest sound one has heard to the most silence. The way the conflict is shown in the passage is by Young Chris Case explaining the conflict between him and the land mine at Kabul, Afghanistan which took of his right leg. The way Johnson leads us into the enigma/ conflict from the 2 pages of the passage was by first starting off the conversation with his friends of the loudest sounds they have witnessed and all of a sudden the topic changes and becomes the most silent sound they have heard. Two key events that are important in building up the enigma/ conflict is “Young Chris Case reversed the direction and introduced the topic of silence” and “He said the most silent thing he’d ever heard was the land mine taking off his right leg outside Kabul, Afghanistan.  The reason these two key details are important are because the first quote builds suspicion and the second one builds and shows the conflict that the character went through. 4) A conflict that is had witnessed and went through was by seeing death in front of me. I had seen my grandma die in front of my eyes and faced a conflict with my emotions. I would hide my emotions and feel as if the world had come to an end for me. Life for me had no meaning due to the fact a loved one a person who meant the world for me was not a part of my life anymore. I was fighting my emotions not to cry not to grieve and believe as nothing has happened not letting it wreck me emotionally. It is something everyone fears and can’t stop from happening but the conflict that I had with my emotions it won and I lost. I thought I could hold the tears back forever but went only a few days till they came out.


    4) A conflict that is had witnessed and went through was by seeing death in front of me. I had seen my grandma die in front of my eyes and faced a conflict with my emotions. I would hide my emotions and feel as if the world had come to an end for me. Life for me had no meaning due to the fact a loved one a person who meant the world for me was not a part of my life anymore. I was fighting my emotions not to cry not to grieve and believe as nothing has happened not letting it wreck me emotionally. It is something everyone fears and can’t stop from happening but the conflict that I had with my emotions it won and I lost. I thought I could hold the tears back forever but went only a few days till they came out. I became furious as days passed by always questioning why did it have to be me who had to experience the loss, what have I done wrong to go through such a horrific experience. Just hearing a person dying doesn’t always affect you as much as seeing a loved one who took care of you since you were a newborn just passing away in front of your eyes.  How did it all happen you may ask? so it was May 27th and I woke up to use the bathroom and I’m like let me go check on my grandmother who I call (Dadu) so as I’m in the room to see her I see her gasping for air and I run to my parents room waking them up screaming and shouting “DADU CANT BREATH”. We all run to the room and see her having a cardiac arrest and that when I realized my happiness in life has come to an end. 

  3. Revised Blog Post

    What was Selena trying to portray behind this smile ?

    She poses in a way where she wants to catch attention , she shows off her pearly white teeth. However sometimes a lot of us portray what we want others to see , either how your doing financially , happiness and etc. If you really ask your self are you really who you are on your social media accounts, is it always happiness ? Selena portrays this chess smile in her selfie, yet nobody really knows how she’s really feeling. For all you know she might be depressed or sad. She uses her smile to cover up how she’s really feeling inside.

    1( Why false a fake life on social media?

  4. In, “Why you Procrastinate (It Has Nothing to Do With Self-Control), Charlotte Lieberman discuss procrastionin different ways. Lieberman states “it requires focus and effort” and ” isn’t laziness or bad time management. This is procrastination.” In addition, Lieberman also explains that, it can be the way people feel about certain task, such as lack of interest, boredom, self-doubt, anxiety, insecurity and challenges they might face. I agree with Lieberman that, people procrastinate due to the way they feel about certain task and the challenges they might encounter to complete that task from my personal experiences. I procrastinate when is time to organize around the house and my kids drawer when there is a change of season. I tend to put it off because it’s a challenge task and it requires focus and effort. I spend a lot of time thinking about what to keep or get rid off.

    In ” The real reasons you procrastinate-and how to stop”, Ana Swanson explains procrastination as a “negative feelings, by forgiving yourself can reduce the guilt you feel about it, which is one of the main triggers for procrastinating in the first place”. Swanson also states that, “it usually happens when people fear of dread, or have anxiety about, the important task awaiting them. To get rid of this negative feeling, people procrastinate-they open up a video game or Pinterest instead.” I agree with Swanson, because when i give my daughter a task to do, she will procrastinate to get it done because of the fear she has about that task. Instead she will go on her phone to make her feel better at that moment.


  5. Revised Blog Post for Writing Prompt on Naylor’s text “A Word’s Meaning Can Often Depend on Who Says It.”
    A) In “A Word’s Meaning Can Often Depend on Who Says it,” the author Gloria Naylor explains different meanings of the “n- word.” Naylor states “I’m telling you, that nigger pulled in $6,000 of overtime last year. Said he got enough for a down payment on a house.” (Naylor 87). In other words, a “nigger” in this context could be referring to a working black male who worked overtime trying to put a down payment on a house.  Naylor also states, “Yeah, that old foreman found out quick enough— you don’t mess with a nigger” (Naylor 87).  I believe that this goes back to my previous comment about the first sentence, in this context “nigger” can be associated with a man of a different color (specifically black). “Nigger” in this context can mean someone who is in a group like a gang or something higher up that people may fear.  A similar story happened to me when I was younger having to do with the “n-word.” I was in elementary school around 10 years of age walking home from school and I was passing a group of black males just standing outside a corner when I heard someone say the “n-word.” It was my first time hearing it and didn’t know fully what it meant, at first I thought it was a nickname or something. On my way home, I couldn’t help but think about what the “n-word” meant and if anyone would know it would probably be my mom or my grandparents seeing as how they had more knowledge of things that I wouldn’t know at my age. My mom asked me how my day was and I told her it was good, Suddenly out of nowhere,  I asked my mom what did the  “nigger” mean and just like most moms she asked “Where did I hear that word?” I told her a group of people were calling each other that at the corner store. She told me that the “n-word” was a bad word and that I shouldn’t say it. It peeked my interest why she told me that the “n-word” is a bad word that kids like me should not say it because its a sign of disrespect according to her. My mom only told me that the “n-word” was racist and how it is wrong for anyone to say because it was meant for black people who were slaves and mistreated wrongly, hence why it was considered disrespectful. At that point, I didn’t quite understand what she meant by the “n-word” being disrespectful back then, but even now it’s being used more as a kind of nickname than being racist or contempt.
    B)  I find the word “nigger” offensive to some extent on how it is being used in context because it insults a person of color that was subjected to discrimination and unfair treatment. In my response when someone uses the “n-word” it can be because it can be based on culture which finds the word “nigger” offensive to people of color. When someone uses “nigger” in a sentence depending on how it is used it can be a friend (E.x: “Hey look it’s my nigger Johnny.”), but in a normal sentence the word “nigger” can just simply be referred to a person of color. “Nigga” is more slang than “nigger”, instead of being offensive as “nigga” can refer to a close friend, or just a person. Overall “nigga”can still be offensive or not simply based on how it is being used in context.

  6. Title: Why You Procrastinate (It has Nothing to Do With Self-Control)

    Author: Charlotte Lieberman

    Main Idea: What procrastination really is.

    Thesis: Procrastination doesn’t mean you’re lazy. It means you’re putting something off and doing something completely opposite in regards to what you actually need to get done.

    1. “Procrastination isn’t a unique character flaw or a mysterious curse on your ability to manage time, but a way of coping with challenging emotions and negative moods induced by certain task–boredom, anxiety, insecurity, frustration,resentmeny, self-doubt and beyond.

    This is referring to the idea that procrastination is a natural from of coping. We use this from of coping when we are dreading to complete a task that isn’t motivating us and is often perceived as something negative. Procrastination doesn’t necessarily mean you are lazy and doing completely nothing. You could be putting in effort to something you wanna prioritize more in the Monet which is directly benefiting you rather than doing something dreadfully so we rather put it off as a coping mechanism.

  7. Revising a previous blog

    Starting a essay with a scene
    I feel Josh fists on my right arm multiple times. I start to ask him “what’s wrong with you?” “stop”. He keeps telling me  “your stupid you are so stupid” multiple times. I already had a bad feeling my stomach which felt weird. He goes I’m gonna tell you this but you can’t say i said anything. I immediately reply “Its Gina and Junior right are they doing something?” He said “yes” my stomach and my heart sunk. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say but at the same time i did. “They’ve been messing around since last month.“ Standing in the train holding onto the pole I couldn’t just keep quiet I wanted to beat them both up for lying to me. She was my best friend, he was my first love. I hadn’t felt deeply in love with anyone before.   

  8. Title: Why You Procrastinate (It has Nothing to Do With Self-Control)
    Author: Charlotte Lieberman
    Main Idea: Why do we procrastinate
    Thesis statement: Procrastination is an emotional problem which we follow so we can have that short term feeling of not facing the task because of our anxiety or judgment of someone etc.
    “In a 2013 study, Dr. Pychyl  and Dr.Sirois found that procrastination can be understood as the primacy of short term mold repair…over the long term pursuit of intended action”
    This quote is referring to my thesis saying that we tend to focus on our short term mood or as short term happiness I would say so we won’t have to worry about what we have to get done. This is the way we blocks our stress for current moment and leave it till the and we don’t think about the consequences we might have to face till the end. We leave things till the end because of our anxiety and what we want for ourselves for the moment. This doesn’t mean you’re lazy, it just means you don’t want to face your task because you have to put in effort and don’t know how will it turn out which is caused by anxiety.

  9. Title: Why You Procrastinate (It has Nothing to Do With Self-Control)Author: Charlotte LiebermanMain Idea: Why we procrastinate

    The idea of a study of 2013 have giving experience to people why those happen and giving result that can be refined.

    The important part was what people feel and wants to do that makes different result why people procrastinate when they try to forgive themselves.

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