15.1 Blog Requirements, Grammar Test, Presentation Comments

To begin with, a note on blog posts and grades: this marks the 20th blog post assignment of the semester.  For those looking to receive a high grade in the course, aim for at least 17 posts by the end of the semester.  For those looking simply to pass the course, 10 posts (but no fewer) will suffice.

For next Tuesday: study for the Grammar Test (on fragments, subordinating conjunctions, and conjunctive adverbs).  Also please post the following thoughts on one of the student presentations from this week:
–one moment that “stood out” to you (and why);
–one thing you learned;
–one question or suggestion for the presenter.

10 thoughts on “15.1 Blog Requirements, Grammar Test, Presentation Comments”

  1. One presentation that stood out to me was sean’s. I thought the title of his paper was very creative. It taught me that there is no limit to a title. A moment that stood out to me was when he talked about how people speak or shall I say TEXT a certain way in order to scam others. This fact was very shoking to me because I always thought that its obvious, and people were stupid to get scamed, but I guess I was the stupid one to think like that. Because from what sean said scammers put a lot of thought to what they doing. I got no question nor suggestion was pretty clear, and interesting.

  2. The presenter that stood out to me was Sean. He stood out to me because he was very detailed about his article. You can tell he did his research. I learned that people are really shady. I realize that people will scam you for all you have. They will use godly terms to try to get to you and then act like they are so in need, in love with you after that once you start sending them your money they can milk you dry. smh People are so cruel. I don’t have much questions for Sean. He presented really good. Good Job Sean!

  3. One presentation that stood out to me was Mutayab’s. It’s clear and very well done with lots of ideas to support his research. It’s true we both did our research on the same topic however, I have learnt a lot from his presentation, especially when he explained about net neutrality which I admit was never been aware of before.

  4. The presentation that was interesting was Sean presentation. The use of the internet to start a “Romance” with another person. People are so messed up that they can falsely lead someone the wrong way. The situation with the person trying to get money out the other person was wicked. My question for Sean is how would someone prevent themselves from falling from that trick?

    1. Thank you all, but to answer your question you have to really do your research and try to find that person’s purpose in your life and any little doubt you have voice it. It would either make them stay or run them away.

  5. A moment that stood out the most to me during presentations was when Mutayab was asked about what net neutrality was. This moment stood out to me the most because although nobody was 100 percent sure of there answer, everybody shared their understanding of what it was and we pieced it together. This was especially notable being that there was a computer available in the immediate area. During this presentation I learned of more ways google distributes people’s data for profit. I already knew that certain apps displayed ads of products a user frequently viewed, but I was then informed that google also uses your location to allow nearby businesses to solicit directly to you. One question I would have for Mutayab is how do companies buy this information?

    1. To Exsavior’s question; How do companies buy this information?
      Tech giants like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft etc. do not enclose their relationship with their buyers although some of them do clearly mention Acxiom, Experian, Quantium, Epsilon, TransUnion and Neustar etc. Further in their privacy policies they tell you that they will be collecting your personal information.
      To start with Facebook, like others it uses your searches to give you suggestions and now with its exclusive partnerships with cable providers you can expect searching for Hawaii and then later that day looking at the customized airline commercial that may also mention Hawaii and make you desire for a vacation in the middle of a Football Match on your TV.
      Looking at Google, the free web service is not that free. Just like others, it also tracks your location, searches, likes and dislikes and then offer small businesses potential buyers. To stay protected from me and other people researching this topic it does not do anything with our information that may label the process “selling data”. Instead it uses that data to make money with their services like Adsense and Adwords. To demonstrate that, on Friday I was researching for “how google sell data”. The results were a couple of websites with letter AD boxed green right by the websites address followed by their privacy policy trying to persuade me that they don’t sell our data. But they do use our data to make money. Can’t outsmart them.
      Everybody knows about Forbes, they also use your information and sell it to corporations mention above. It is that I Accept button that you press when you are asked “we use cookies….?” A data selling company called BDEX says on their website, “The BDEX Targeting Module enables brands to select any data attributes, combine them, and select the quality, age and price of each and every data element.” Bid data anxieties solved!
      Thanks Exsavior for asking this question. You’ve helped me put valuable information in my text as well as put me on the safe side by marking this blog post as my 10th ; required to pass.

  6. Mutayab’s presentation notes

    Data mining is a source of money for many companies because they sell your information and make money on the data they gathered about you.
    -Kevin and his hacking achievement into Motorola
    – he was doing this for pleasure and it was all a sense of accomplishment for him

    Google and other big online companies make money off the ads you get and they get this by the things you search. So what you do online is being monitored. They don’t want you to know any of this. You think it’s a trend of what you search for and it shows up as ads on your social media platform as ads but in reality it is all the things you searched for and the things that are similar to that product.

    – the economic of net neutrality is that you have the freedom to go onto any website and do what you like. Only paying a one time fee every month. Companies like Comcast, Verizon and AT&T are trying to take away the freedom of choice you have to view what ever websites you visit. They want to regulate them based on the companies that will pay them money for their services to be broadcasted. They will sell you internet as packages not all in one but as packages of food. One package will be for social media sites ex Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter etc. other packages will include news packages ex New York time, news channel sites and that is basically what net neutrality and what the problems will be if it is passed in Congress.

  7. A presentation that stood out to me was Mutayab’s because he made me think and realize of what goes on in my screen computer when I see advertisements that catches my attention. With that said I thought he did a pretty good job in explaining and giving us a definition of what data mining is, as well as Sean who talked about online romance did a good job too!

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