7.2 A Scene That Makes You Think: “Internet Addiction?”

By Wednesday night: post a narrative scene that you’ve witnessed which shows people behaving/interacting in ways that make you think of internet addiction.  I want a vivid scene, filled with details on setting, character(s), action, conflict, and your own reflections.

17 thoughts on “7.2 A Scene That Makes You Think: “Internet Addiction?””

  1. My highschool friend, Beatrice got into a fight with a female pal of her’s from another school. Where the chick was talking about how she was dating Bee’s old boyfriend. That’s really dirty to do to your supposed friend and not something you should put up for the whole world to see. I could never do that to someone I care about. Especially in the callous way she said it. This chick is so cool about putting her business and other people’s business up online, that she’s disregarding Beatrice who still had feelings for the guy.
    Now adays, everybody feels so secure putting personal info on the web as if it could only be seen by people they want to view it and not everyone on Earth. She’s addicted to her phone, going on Snapchat to post pictures and Instagram to gossip. She needs to grow up and learn to be a real friend.

  2. The only time I’ve witnessed internet addiction was when recently I’m doing my own thing on my computer and my wifi has been shitty lately so whenever I load a tab, it would blank out for a sec, for that black second I saw my own reflection and I thought “what the hell am I doing with my life? I’m literally sitting here, staring at a screen for hours”, but as soon as my page loaded I continued doing what I was doing. Sometimes or most of the times, I believe that we knowingly do or make mistakes even though we have an idea of what the consequences will be.

    1. Wendy’s original, first-person perspective:

      The only time I’ve witnessed internet addiction was when recently I’m doing my own thing on my computer and my wifi has been shitty lately so whenever I load a tab, it would blank out for a sec. for that black second I saw my own reflection and I thought “what the hell am I doing with my life? I’m literally sitting here, staring at a screen for hours”, but as soon as my page loaded I continued doing what I was doing. Sometimes or most of the times, I believe that we knowingly do or make mistakes even though we have an idea of what the consequences will be.

      First-person plural narration, written from the perspective of “a mystery inside the box”:

      Isn’t it funny to watch how this user explodes when we cut the power to Firefox? Such a buggy browser in the first place, so maybe she doesn’t even know it’s us processor chip guys pulling the old “glitchy tab” trick. She probably doesn’t even have a clue that we have access to the USB camera and can watch her grimace as she waits for the content to load. Oh, watch, there she goes… off to check the router situation again. Will these poor humans ever learn that it’s not bad WiFi that’s plaguing them—it’s us?

  3. A scene that makes me instantly think of internet addiction would be when me and my friends go out. My coworkers and I tend to always do Sunday brunch but we never actually socialize during the meal. We’re so consumed by a portrayal of a perfect plate picture rather than a heart to heart conversation. I personally put my phone down when I’m around people, a sign of respect. While everyone’s phone is going off and their fingers are typing faster than lightning, I realize how technology has truly consumed us. Lost in the mist of portraying a perfect lifestyle in the virtual worlds of the internet, real friends are slowly disengaging from real life conversations.

  4. A moment when I personally witnessed internet addiction was when one day my brother was playing a video game that just came out the day before. He had woke up early that day so that he was able to play the game all day non stop. When he told me that i thought it was just an a way of him saying he’s going to play all day but in reality he was being very literal. He didn’t think about or do anything else throughout the day, meaning he pushed away food and everything else. He literally had bottles of water next to him so that he wouldn’t need to get up. But later on that day something happened that was very funny to me but drove my brother crazy. While he was playing my dogs were playing with the lan cable wire and they ended up disconnecting it. This my brother go bananas, tried to hit the dogs for being dogs lol. But on that day i realized and witnessed what was internet addiction in a way.

  5. A moment when I personally witnessed internet addiction was when one day my brother was playing a video game that just came out the day before. He had woke up early that day so that he was able to play the game all day non stop. When he told me that i thought it was just an a way of him saying he’s going to play all day but in reality he was being very literal. He didn’t think about or do anything else throughout the day, meaning he pushed away food and everything else. He literally had bottles of water next to him so that he wouldn’t need to get up. But later on that day something happened that was very funny to me but drove my brother crazy. While he was playing my dogs were playing with the lan cable wire and they ended up disconnecting it. This my brother go bananas, tried to hit the dogs for being dogs lol. But on that day i realized and witnessed what was internet addiction in a way.

  6. My mother goes DEAF everyytime she uses her phone. let me explain this, everyday after work my mom has an appointment with her phone/app. She gets comfortable, Lays on her bed and starts scrolling/typing. Somehow her doing this has some effect on her hearing ability. I sometimes wonder does she have some sort of magical remote where she mute you out or is there an invisible soundproof glass in between us , because whenever i ask her something i get NOTHING back, no response not even a “uh huh”, it’s like i don’t exist. This made me think of internet addiction because people get so drawn in by their phone screen that sometimes they ignore their surrounding, and that can be a problem when walking or driving.

  7. One of the times I witnessed internet addiction was within myself. One time in the very late night( maybe 4or6am) I was there on my yet in a media app I don’t really use anymore today. It was palringo I was there in a role playing chat (I’m not proud of it) and it was so long ago memories are feint but there are rules when roleplaying. I kinda may or may not have killed a dragon and just went *kills the dragon*. Appearentllly that’s not fair and I was straight up banned from the rest of it. but I just sat there realizing it was so late like “well damn….I just wasted hours of my life”….
    From then on I learned my lesson and never roleplayed again~

  8. A prime example of “Internet Addiction” would be when my Brother in-law started to watch these youtube videos. These videos are of a bounty hunter who arrest criminals who “jump” their bonds. The guy making the videos is a little funny and shows compassion to those who have a drug addiction. The other day I wanted my Brother in-law to come outside with me when he came out of work. He told me he did not want to come out because he wanted to relax and binge watch this youtuber even though he had been watching his videos non-stop for almost a week already. My own reflection towards this is that he is becoming addicted to youtube. My Brother in-law and I use to practically do everything together and now he wants to just stay home and watch his videos. I understand that this is something that he enjoys to do, but he does this all the time. Overall I just want to hang out with him because normally i do not hang out with anyone. He is addicted to his phone….

  9. I was watching a video on the internet of 2 girls and a heated argument outside in the day time, looks like around summer because they had some shorts and tank tops on. They also has scarfson their head. When u see 2 girls with scarfs that mean a fight might break out.

    1st girl: yo bytch what’s all that shyt u was talking about on the internet about how I’m our here doing xyz
    2ndgirl: bytch I said what I said so what u going to do, u a thot and it is what it is.
    1stgirl:son how u talking shyt and u be out here looking like a bum, wearing my shyt, ur crib is dirty.
    2nd girl:Bitch( she just swung And punch the girl in her face)
    So they both out there fighting looking crazy and bystanders recording and eventually broke the fight up after like 5mins
    So now they still arguing for another 5mins then the video went off..
    But the logic of this event is.
    They probably was internet thugging back n fourth FOR hours cursing eachother out and finally decided to meet in person to settle their beef. But if they was doing other things then being on the internet how would u know if somebody talking about u negatively.. this is what alot of young teenager do they go on the internet and start beef, spend hours trying to embarrass a person then when they meet people fight or get shot. Well the guys do the shooting majority of the time because of internet beef. That’s the negative view on internet addiction!maybe for that they need medication to settle there nerves and be happy lol

  10. Now that we’ve discussed “online addiction” in class I’ve came to the conclusion that I may be addicted to Netflix. It’s scary to admit this but I think it’s the truth. it all started in the summer I pressed on this show that took me back to my childhood it had over 300 episodes I finished it in two months, day and night I spent watching episodes, the people that hit me up got a response from me the next day. Now, I am recently watching “Jane the virgin” oh boy!! it is so great, I can’t tell you how good the show is. I feel like I can’t stop watching. when a episode ends it ends when something big is going to happen, that’s how they capture viewers attention. coming home from work and school, it’s hard to focus on my school work because I feel this sense of anxiety that I have to know what is going to happen next ….so I do watch it, and I totally feel awful having to feel this way for a show that is taking up my time to do HW or study.

  11. A scene that I witness internet addiction was when my friend broke his phone and he had to wait to get his phone fixed. He kept bugging me to use my phone to go on snapchat so he can do his streaks. when I was like dub you can’t use my phone he got tight. He kept begging me and saying that he had streaks with people for months and he didn’t want to lose it. I was trying to make excuses of how my phone don’t have internet but he wasn’t believing it. He was so annoying that I gave him me phone so he could shut up. I think this is showing signs of someone being an internet addict.

  12. Quad Nightclub, New kingston, JA.

    It’s like 4AM in the morning, party’s over and everyone is going home. Trying to maneuver through the hundreds of people trying to make memories. As I got to the car, one of my friends asked for a picture, mind you I just want to get home . So I’m there posing for this “picture” waiting for the flash to end. “It’s a video silly” , pretty much annoyed so I grabbed the phone, as I looked at the picture I saw her snap story. An endless list of videos of sed party. I know this is 2017 but I never ever went into a party and have time to snap everything. To her it was normal but in the case of IA it can bring up the question of addiction due to what happened.

  13. A moment I witnessed internet addiction was my younger brother. In the winter time we would always go to the gym and work out, I notice that every time we stop the first thing he would go for was his phone. Being on Facebook or checking to see if he got any new messages from his friends or commenting under a statues it just annoyed me honestly… like get off of your phone and let’s work on that handle and jumper to me I realized he had that addiction where he couldn’t be with out his phone for a little while.

  14. So I’ve been “observing” (insert eye emoji here) my little brother and reason being is that the only thing that comes to mind when it comes to internet addiction are the countless amount of screams I hear declaring that my little brother, “get in the bath tub, now!” Let me set the scene. It’s about 3 hours time before this comment will be posted the ;sun is down ,but I’m just walking in to my house. There’s a sense of relief that begins to set in which usually follows a 15 hours school day (-__-). Just when I feel at home, my peace is abruptly interrupted by my boisterous telling my brother to take a bath. I greet everyone as I enter and as I pass my brothers’ room I bare witness to my 10 year old brother standing on a chair. The chair is literally as close to an entertainment center under his t.v. as possible. The t.v. displaying the call of duty game he was engaging in at the time. I instantly notice 3 things. First of all that the people he’s playing against are actual people and not bots (computer opponents)which kind of impressed me;he usually doesn’t. Secondly he was just told to get in the bath tub seconds before this. Lastly I see his math homework on his bed has a layout of the 3 times table. Which at first glance I notice the answer 27 twice and the absence of the answer 9. All of these things instantly took me back to the bullet point I believe actually idicates some sort of internet addiction in the article “Addiction to internet is an illness” where David Smith states, “neglect of basic drives” is a component of internet addiction. The thing that makes me question whether this is a case/symptom of internet addiction or simply a 10 year old boy not being mature enough to understand the importance of practicing prioritizing responsibilities, is that people of all ages have done this before the internet existed for personal use.

    1. After neglect of basic drives: We see here my little brother neglects 3 basic drives. 1 showering. 2 he neglects the need to preserve his body by destroying his eyes. 3 he neglects his responsibilities to play his game.

  15. Over the course of time technology usage in daily lives have increased vigorously. One part of a movie stuck with me which shows the gap in internet usage is shown in between different generations. In the movie called “Chef” a father an ex chef is constantly asking his son whats he doing on his phone and “wha-whats that?” He even allows a tweet which is beyond him and he barely understand to have him lose his job and change his career as a prominent chef. Later at the end of the movie he gains some clarity showing he made a mistake and his lack of knowledge for the internet. On the other hand his son who can seem to pry himself away from his phone actually improves his new business as a food truck letting have fun that he never had before. The son’s internet addiction is used in good ways and increasing his and his fathers social imprint actually allows them to meet many new people and better themselves instead of it being a negative thing.

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