Fall 2017 | COMD1100_LC08 | Prof. Spevack

Tag: Urban Artifacts (Page 4 of 4)

Urban Artifacts: Phase 1

During the walk of Urban Artifacts walk around the college building, I composed 6 photos of artifacts that define rubbish, and today’s society. My first 3 ambiguous compositions consisted of a danger sign that says no smoking, the united states postal service logo, and a destroyed wall with a sign that says “30 cu. yd.” and spray paint all over it. All 3 photos represent a subtle viewpoint on how we take our world for granite. My last 3 obvious photos consisted of a trashed cup of coke, a hole in a brick wall, and a cigarette bud on the floor. These photos represent how we treat today’s society.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 1

Obvious figure/ground

A rectangular shaped object laying  on the concrete ground. It might have belonged to a part of a construction packaged that was thrown away because it was no longer needed. Do to its bright color contrasting the background it can be called an obvious figure ground object because of its irregularity with the background.

Obvious figure/ground

The cap of a dry erase marker isolated from the rest of its marker. This marker cap was probably kicked by a passer by without notice. It had rolled a far distance thus becoming isolated.This is also has an obvious figure ground relationship with its background because of the imbalance of color in the picture.

Obvious figure/ground

A bottle cap edged on the corner of the picture. Looks similar to a crater on the moon but to contrasting to be one. This bottle cap has also had a similar history to the marker cap but looking closely you can see that it has been through worse. It has probably been run over a couple of times and scratched on the concrete for it to have such scratch marks on itself. this is an obvious figure ground relationship because it can be clearly seen that it stands out from its background.

Ambiguous figure/ground

This brick wall has been here for a very long time that its paint has started to ware off.  Throughout the years it has lived through rainy days, thunderstorms , and heated weather causing it pain to chip. this is an ambiguous figure-ground relationship because the white stripes perfectly contrast the color of the bricks developing a 50-50 percent in color even if it may not look it. Especially since some of the darker color is chipping of leaving the lighter color in its place.

Ambiguous figure/ground

This is an ambiguous figure ground relationship because there is a balance of color between the figure and its background. This footprint probably came to be when a construction worker accidentally stepped on the wet contrete and did not know.Thus when it dried it had harden leaving the mark of a shoe.

Ambiguous figure/ground

This washer bolt is engraved onto the concrete floor unable to venture out into the open world. This has been here because while a construction was going on this might have fallen from a tool box onto the wet contrete. this is an ambiguous figure ground because the figure blends in with its background making it difficult to decipher where the object actually is.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 1

Obvious ( stable ) Figure / Ground

A plastic coffee cup lid throw away in the sidewalks thinking that it is already trash when you finish a good cup of coffee, cappuccino or hot chocolate. Someone might bought a hot drink at the grocery to start a fresh day. The  contrast between the lid and it’s background creates a Obvious figure , seeing that giving this picture a black and white tone the image looks brighter and it is more clearly to see the form and it’s background. Also, creating a geometric form as you can see the rounded shape that it has.

Ambiguous Figure / Ground

A wall built it for many years, made by hand and knowledge. It is challenging to see how the white lines and rectangle shapes are connected to differentiate which one is the form and the background, creating an Ambiguous figure. It’s uniform measurements creates a geometric relationship.


Ambiguous Figure / Ground

A strange painting looks like flames with eyes all over the place. It might be that someone at night spray painted in wall streets. It has a organic shapes as you can see the flowing contours creating a Ambiguous figure because I can’t really see what kind of drawing it is, how the colors are mixed it is hard to describe.

Obvious ( stable ) Figure / Ground

 Someone was eating a sandwich and throw the aluminum paper when he/she finished. Looking at the edges and contours you can see that it has a organic shape with a fracture texture. Also, it has a stable relationship between the paper and the ground.

Obvious ( stable ) Figure / Ground

Someone was smoking and went to a public place that was not allowed to smoke and he/she throw the cigar away. The cigar trampled by millions of people who passed by got old and dirty. It’s irregular shape makes it a organic figure and a stable figure making the cigarette being the form and the sidewalk its background.

Ambiguous Figure / Ground

Sidewalks made of sandstone where many people pass by stepping those little rocks with concrete. Makes it a organic figure and Ambiguous because you can’t really identify the form and its background.


Urban Artifacts: Phase 1

Obvious F/G

I imagine as someone was walking down the street taking that last bite of their bagel they had left and took that one last sip of orange juice the decided to discard if their trash and luckily for me the cap took a detour and ended up on the ground instead of in a trash can.

Obvious F/G

Summer is coming to a close and while others may be sad I’m actually excited. The fall brings so many wonderful things the crisp cool air, the warm smell of hot chocolate and let’s not forget the the pretty site of trees shedding their leaves I was able to capture the beginnings of this transition.

Obvious F/G

things are built and things are destroyed it’s a part of life whether this peice of wood was excess material from a newly built structure or a recently destroyed one is up to you.

Ambiguous F/G

life takes you on many unexpected roads and paths some hard, some easy, and some that feel like a dead end. You never know what’s coming next.

Ambiguous F/G

At first you may be wondering what on earth could these mysterious blobs of black be, what stories do they hold well let me help you out these mysterious blobs are actually bits of chewed up gum. Yep that’s right chewing gum.

Ambiguous F/G

I imagine as a building was being painted someone was a bit clumsy and tipped the bucket and spilled paint all over the ground luckily no one was around.

Urban Artifacts: Phase 1

Obvious Figure/Ground

A bright orange wall that was more than pleasing to the eye. With time, movement and life grazed and scratched away at the surface, leaving behind only their memory with scratches, dents and scrapes. The smooth orange surface slowly chipped away to reveal an underlying white.
The shape of the white paint is rough and irregular, resulting in an organic shape. The contrast between the white and orange and the ratio between the colors creates a stable figure/ground relationship. I chose to keep the color to better show the contrast.


Obvious Figure/Ground

The Brooklyn City Railroad opened up the Fulton Street Line between 1915-1956, and even earned itself an article in the New York Times in February of 1950, entitled “New Bus Line in Brooklyn”. The B26 bus route begins at the Jay Street-Borough Hall station in downtown Brooklyn, ending with a loop at the Myrtle Wyckoff Avenues subway station on the border of Brooklyn and Queens.
The sign is made of smooth metal, designed with blues and whites and a dash of red. It is made of geometric shapes such as circles and rectangles, which results in an interesting figure when shown from this worm’s-eye-view. The image has a stable figure/ground relationship because of the ratio and focus of the singular figure against the soft blue, white sky.


Obvious Figure/Ground

Fungus grows everywhere, They usually live in a symbiotic relationship with their environment, growing in moist, damp areas with rich nutrients. It would be interesting to know what type of fungi they were, and if they grew in the same spot every year. I imagine they grew over the summer when the air and bark were warm and damp, thus providing the nutrients needed for the little fungi to grow.
These particular patches of fungi caught my eye because of the stark contrast between the milky white color and the dark bark they were growing on. While the brown bark created a good contrast against the white, I felt like the black was a better way to emphasize the negative space and the stability of their figure ground relationship. They are organic shapes, purely made by nature itself. Also, I like how they look like little slugs.


Ambiguous Figure/Ground

I won’t even lie: I don’t remember where I took this picture. The blue just grabbed me. It was such a striking hue, and whether or not the person who chose this color had the intention of catching people’s eyes when they passed by, it caught mine. If you look closely, you can make out words in the spaces of the metal grid; something that looks like a “P” and an “A” and a number symbol. Perhaps the blue grid is supposed to protect a piece of machinery, and the exterior designer wanted to make the look more appealing to the eye. Then again, like I said, I don’t remember.
The shapes that make up the image are clearly geometric. The pattern and grid formation of the circles and the 50/50 ratio between the circles and the metal forces the eye to move back and forth, unable to decide on a singular subject and making it ambiguous.


Ambiguous Figure/Ground

Yellow is the color of happiness, joy and positivity. However, when seen on signs or road signals it means caution, to both drivers and pedestrians. Most paint on the roads are made to last at least a year, and depending on how much wear it is exposed to, it can last way longer. So many days of cars and bikes and foot, rain and snow and wind to erode the chemicals away, chip by chip.
The patches and exposed layers of older paint coatings against a textured cement floor created a beautiful ambiguous figure ground relationship. The shapes are very organic, created over time by the environment.


Ambiguous Figure/Ground

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