A plastic coffee cup lid throw away in the sidewalks thinking that it is already trash when you finish a good cup of coffee, cappuccino or hot chocolate. Someone might bought a hot drink at the grocery to start a fresh day. The contrast between the lid and it’s background creates a Obvious figure , seeing that giving this picture a black and white tone the image looks brighter and it is more clearly to see the form and it’s background. Also, creating a geometric form as you can see the rounded shape that it has.
A wall built it for many years, made by hand and knowledge. It is challenging to see how the white lines and rectangle shapes are connected to differentiate which one is the form and the background, creating an Ambiguous figure. It’s uniform measurements creates a geometric relationship.
A strange painting looks like flames with eyes all over the place. It might be that someone at night spray painted in wall streets. It has a organic shapes as you can see the flowing contours creating a Ambiguous figure because I can’t really see what kind of drawing it is, how the colors are mixed it is hard to describe.
Someone was eating a sandwich and throw the aluminum paper when he/she finished. Looking at the edges and contours you can see that it has a organic shape with a fracture texture. Also, it has a stable relationship between the paper and the ground.
Someone was smoking and went to a public place that was not allowed to smoke and he/she throw the cigar away. The cigar trampled by millions of people who passed by got old and dirty. It’s irregular shape makes it a organic figure and a stable figure making the cigarette being the form and the sidewalk its background.
Sidewalks made of sandstone where many people pass by stepping those little rocks with concrete. Makes it a organic figure and Ambiguous because you can’t really identify the form and its background.
I really liked how you captured the foil ball. Had you zoomed in more it would’ve been considered an ambiguous
Yes I didn’t think about that…Thanks!
I really like your second ambiguous photo. It’s really hard to tell what it is from way up close but it really makes you think of how it got there.
Thank you!
My favorite is the coffee cup lid. The level of contrast between the black and the white makes a very stable f/g relationship.
Thank You!