Welcome! and Assignment 1

Hello and Welcome!

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Topic: Game Design & Med Skills Lab
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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Here is a link to our syllabus.

OpenLab Blog instructions:

  1. Customize your page with a responsive theme that supports multimedia, an original header, personalized colors, title, and tagline. Your header can be a photograph that you recently took or an image that you have designed. Be aware of the ideal pixel size as you design a header.
  2. Create an “About Me” page. This should be a simple bio that reflects who you are. You may also include a photograph.
  3. Create your first post which can simply be a bit of text welcoming us to your site. Feel free to upload a photo etc.

Logo Deets:

Your first assignment is to create a logo that represents yourself using in illustrator using only black and white.

You will be making three versions of the same logo.

  1. white background
  2. black background
  3. transparent background

5 in x 5 in 

  • Start by writing down 5 action words that describe yourself.
  • Choose 1 or 2 that resonate with you and begin to sketch out a few ideas as “thumbnails” on paper. This will give you a chance to rapidly think through some ideas.
  • Now it’s time to start in Illustrator. Make a new art board and using shapes  (additive and subtractive) create three different logos that embody the meaning of the word/s you chose. Save often and if you’re feeling stumped make several versions and we’ll workshop them in class. Choose your favorite and be prepared to discuss why in class. 
  • Enjoy! 

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