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Thoughts on the Final Deck

A couple of thoughts I had about how it should be constructed.

The Final Deck should tell the story of the creation of the app from start to finish.

Start off with talking about the concept presented to you by the client. Go into your initial research and how it informed the decisions you made. Then walk through the process of how you developed the product.

You want to focus on how the research especially the interaction with your users influenced the product’s development.

You also want to focus on the iterative nature of the design process, the number of variations and how each changed based on your experimentation and your interaction with the user. 

Final Presentation Suggestions

Suggested Order

  1. Introduce the App
  2. What is the purpose of the App? What was the clients original goal?
  3. Demonstrate your Research
    1. About in Industry and the Competitors
  4. Mention what you learned about your users
    1. Who they are? (the persona), what they do? (the scenario), How they do it? (the journey map)
  5. Show the Visual Development of the Product
    1. Mood board
    2. Style tile
    3. Screen Flows/Site Maps
    4. Mockups
  6. Explain how your product improves the user’s experience.
  7. Explain how you designed and tested and refined your product.
  8. Demo Prototype

Remember, at every stage of your presentation you should address how you recognized and solved the problems of your users.

Rubric for the final presentation

Art Direction 5
Demonstration of Research 10
Application of Research 5
Look of App 5
Delivery/Audience Engagement 5
Total: 30

HTML/CSS Tutorial Session — Monday Dec. 3rd.

On Monday I will be hosting a tutorial session at my NYC office to focus specifically on HTML/CSS.

Tutorial Session

I will be hosting a tutorial session at my workspace in Manhattan.


Monday Nov. 3rd.


5PM – 7PM ( or 8PM maybe)


Workhouse NYC
21 West 46th street between 5th and 6th ave.

To get to my office space you have to be buzzed onto my floor. Upon entering the building take the elevator to the 16th floor. Tell the receptionist that you are there for AGI Training. They will send you to my office on the 8th floor.

Respond to this post or shoot me an email if you are interested in coming to the tutorial session.


Presentation 6 — UI: The Basic Principle of Design

Presentation 07 – Understanding UI Design

Presentation 08 – Understanding Wireframes