Progress Report 1

This semester I plan on unitizing all the skills that learn over the years and produce a short film. I will serve as the film’s writer, director, and producer.

The film ideally will be about 10 minutes, and plan on filming in a control environment so I don’t have to worry things like weather or lighting from outside about. Right now, I am interesting place, I have a script completed but still in the editing phase. I think I have clear vision of what the film will but trying to figure out logistic. I am adding in and taking out things that don’t fit the story and that don’t make sense. I also been looking for that scripts online to use as guide. I also have an idea of what materials I will need in order to make this film successful and currently in the process of trying to purchase them. Most importantly in the final stage of finishing my proposal in order to have my first official meeting with my advisor and to get the ball rolling on project. I already have reached out to people to be actors in my film and to be a part of the crew.