Type Talk – History of Type

Task, Due by 11 PM, Thursday, 8/29

  • Watch video.
  • In the OpenLab comment section below, share the following:
    • What was one fact you found most interesting?
    • Why?


  1. Amaris Cruz

    I find it interesting how much type has evolved throughout time, mainly during the industrial revolution. With a time period that had so many different innovations going on it is interesting to know that type was one as well. The advertising at that time not only kept everyone informed, but also caused for new inventions that the general public can purchase. This is the start of mass media, we still use newspaper today, however it is not as relied on as it used to be. People now use there phones which they have easy access to. It is always fascinating to see how with time people create things for easier accessibility.

  2. R.J

    One fact that I found the most interesting is that evolution of typography caused books to exceed expectations of the increase in demand that books had to become the product of mass production. This is interesting because it shows how valuable typography is and it’s significance in the technology, books or anything that’s a part of our everyday lives.

  3. Verenice

    One fact I found most interesting is that people tend to make the font smaller or skinner because of how expensive it can be using so much amount of ink on a paper.

  4. Christine

    One fact I found most interesting was that illiterate monks were behind creating copies of manuscripts during the Middle Ages. I always thought the Church enforced people who were somewhat literate in order to be able to create copies of the Bible and other manuscripts. But then again, the ability to read and write were of the privileged and higher nobility which would mean that they would not be spending hours doing tedious work. They would probably have more important business to attend to.

    I wonder, if then, because of pure daily exposure to words and plain repetitiveness of the task, if the monks may have in turn become literate overtime. Someone must have thought to themselves to question what exactly were they looking at or was the Church strict on limiting that kind of access to these monks because the Church does have a history of being pretty selective on what kind of information they feel is relevant enough for public access.

  5. Daniel

    One fact I found interesting is that we have come a long way from copying letters by hand to printing entire pages. Cause of these advancements, it has become easier for people in the modern era to obtain books, and they have become much cheaper as well. Additionally, thanks to advancements in printing, newspapers can be produced much faster, allowing the news to reach everyone more quickly.

  6. Elijha

    The evolution of typography is interesting as a whole. It’s cool to know how letters were made by people many years ago by simply drawing random lines and making the sounds of them. I never knew ink was that much limited on a page, so finding out that writing more wide and big letters will cost more was surprising. I’m really curious how typography will evolve in the future due to the digital world taking over and AI on the rising.

  7. Alexander Brown

    With the History of Typography, I knew some stuff about typography before but this video kinda showed me more about the history and origin that I didn’t know. From some with thick and thin lines or letters with swiggles and swirls and fancy. I find the future evolution of typography to be interesting with the fact that many people have their own unique way of writing and if that might translate into a new type font.

  8. Johnny

    The whole video was very interesting to watch and learned from Before the video I knew what typography was but nothing about the creation of the whole thing. All the different versions with thick and thin lines making them all unique and is interesting to see people to change and create all new fonts in the future.

    I just got openlab to work sorry for being late.

  9. Bonelessice

    A fact that I found most interesting Is the moveable character printing why because of how they make a mold of the letters and put some ink on them and copying reminds me of printer’s

  10. andrew

    I knew a little bit about typography from doing writing assignments, but I had no idea the history of the different text styles or how they came to be. I found this video interesting because it shows how things have evolved and continue to evolve.

  11. Mel

    One fact from the video that I found interesting was how newspapers and magazines were also expanding beyond their paper copies. Magazines and newspapers were now posting their work on the World Wide Web with the help of fonts to express themselves. This is very interesting to be because of how magazines and newspapers came a long way from just being paper copies to now being accessible through the web.

  12. YariLuce

    One fact I found the most interesting is the growth of newspaper. I found this interesting because they were talking about how big newspapers were that they had to find ways to make it faster. Then when the digital era came, so they started to promote their digital editions more than the paper newspapers.

  13. Anvarov Mukhiddin

    One of the most interesting facts from the video is that every culture and century has developed unique typography to communicate ideas. This is fascinating because typography is more than just a tool for writing; it’s a reflection of cultural identity, technological advances, and historical context. The way we shape and design letters helps to connect to how societies express their values, aesthetics, and innovations, making typography a bridge between art and communication.

  14. Dim

    One of the most interesting facts from the video is that every culture and century has developed unique typography to communicate ideas. This is fascinating because typography is more than just a tool for writing; it reflects cultural identity, technological advances, and historical context. How we shape, and design letters help connect to how societies express their values, aesthetics, and innovations, making typography a bridge between art and communication.

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