As I mentioned I’m doing my internship with a small company which is run by my supervisor and she is also the founder and the owner of the company. Even though the internship is running remotely, the way my supervisor interacts with us feels as if we are working side by side with one another. The atmosphere of our workplace feels very much like in person. I have met two other interns, one of whom was working under the supervisor when I joined and she left the week after I joined. A couple of weeks later a new intern joined us and we are currently working together at the internship under our supervisor,
I consider my supervisor to be my role model or mentor. The projects I made with her so far have been all a learning experience, there is always something new to the projects for me. When I started my interview to obtain this position, I loved the fact that she asked me why I was going for a graphic design position when I had an illustration-based portfolio. She said that she loved my graphic design work but was curious to know more about my illustration-centered portfolio. She asked me if I would still love doing graphic design if I was given the opportunity to work on it for a very long period of time, she wanted to know if I enjoy graphic design just as much as illustration. She said if I don’t enjoy something I shouldn’t do it, I should only do work that I love and would do for the majority of my lifetime. She wanted to work with a motivated person who enjoys what he/she does.
Besides work our supervisor shares with us what she does every day and some of her personal life, special events, and occasion she attends to keep our work environment exciting. She lets us see the two cats she has and talks about them every now and then. We always talk about different food since we work with restaurants which sometimes leads to her sharing what she’s eating. This form of activity and environment keeps us motivated to work for long hours. She shares her professional experiences with us and shows us how she deals with so many clients at the same time. She has given me a perfect example of how to maintain a balance between personal and professional life. Therefore, She is the person I look up to in my internship.