Theatrical Drafting – #2 Orthographic Projections

ENT-V119-007-Homework2 SG-Layout1

For this assignment I had to draft an actual object. Learning how to represent physical objects I see in two dimensions. I had to plate all 6 orthographic views of my block. All views should be in full scale and dimension and label appropriately.

Learning to how use the layers and move around and what layer is used for what. To create each view I first used the scale ruler to get the dimensions on the face then started to draft it. Then using creating construction lines to get the other sides and using the scale ruler for the other dimensions as well.

I learned how to use the miter line which I was unfamiliar with, I think with more complex drawings and drafting theaters using this method still brings confusion. But I definitely understand how it can give use the exact measurements to match the other views of the object. Plating it was an issue. I learned more commands and what means what. Using polar tracking, and object snaps to help lay everything.

Drafting is to use show and describe three dimensional objects in 2D. So the measurements have to be accurate and provide all the information needed to construct the needed object. To use the object as a problem solving opportunity to resolve any questions.