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Diary entry for March 29, 2020

MARCH 29, 2020

4:33 PM

Dear Diary,

I am writing this during the afternoon and I’m about to go eat something since I’m starving. After eating, I continued writing my diary entry. For the past few days, I was not able to record what I was doing throughout the day because I had extremely bad stomach cramps. This has nothing to do with the virus, it was my monthly menstrual cycle.

I didn’t really do much, other than be on my phone, on social media’s and talk to my boyfriend.  I was bored and told my boyfriend to play UNO with me, so we installed UNO on our phone and started playing. We kept losing all of our money but then gained back all of the money. It was like playing poker.

I haven’t worked on any assignments yet. The situation that everyone is facing right now, I really don’t feel like focusing on school. I don’t have enough energy to finish up my work like every minute, I get distracted and use my phone and then after 30 minutes, I start working on my assignments again. I just can’t focus on anything I do. Even when I was writing this diary entry, I kept getting distracted. Other than that, nothing interesting happened recently. The only thing I’m really concerned about is the deceased rate going up and no recovery rate from those who got infected so I’m hoping soon we get to see some improvements because I’m really losing my mind staying home every day. This all I have to say for today.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Your style of writing is great. I don’t mind that you say you didn’t write on other days, because you always seem to fill in your thoughts and feelings so well.
    I haven’t been in much of a mental state to write every day, myself. I find myself more…reflective. Writing one day what I did the previous 3. If that.
    I totally understand.
    You are hanging in really well, Masha. Bravo.
    -Prof. S.

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