Big Ideas Welcome Here

Diary entry 2_Masha

I’m on the B11 bus now going home after buying chipotle even though I went out to get starbucks drinks. I got out of my house after 4 days and it feels so good. I feel like I was in prison for a year and got the chance to go out. That’s really how I felt. Even though we are trying to spread less of the virus by not going out, it feels like we are restricted from our freedom. That’s really how this quarantine situation is. I took a very big risk by going out but what can I do? I’m a human being, I have to go out, I have to get some fresh air in order to stay sane because my head hurts so much when I’m in my house only using my phone or doing assignments on my computer.  This is very risky for me because in my family, my dad is the only one who has diabetes and has a lot of health concerns which is also why I didn’t go to work today because my job is an hour away from where I live and traveling back and forth, that’s way more risky than me going out for 20 or 30 mins to get some air or buy something.  Hearing in the news that more than 30 people are deceased from this virus in NYC concerns me a lot. I really hope this virus goes away soon so all of us can go back to living our life the way we did.


  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Masha! So good to hear from you. I apologize for not commenting sooner. I didn’t see your post. I did, however, create you as a MEMBER on the front page and now you can track your work.
    I love all the details you mention. Chipotle. The B11 bus. Doesn’t each day seem so far away from the last? I guess I mean that we are making such new and different decisions than we used to about things we do in our daily lives — things we never considered before.
    Keep writing! I hope your dad is well and your whole family, too.
    My best,
    -Prof. S.

  2. Maher Sharhan

    Could definitely agree with the feeling of being in a prison. When i left the house it was so bright i could’ve barely opened my eyes. i miss the old life too hope this gets better and take care of your dad.

  3. Nakiyah Cantey

    I 100% agree on felling like you’re in a prison. I also miss the old life too, I actually much rather be in class than having an online class. I just miss being outside, I can’t even mention the word outside without my mother throwing a fit and telling me I’m going to catch the virus if I go outside.

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