Big Ideas Welcome Here

Blog 1

Personally I feel like some people are taking the coronavirus as a joke rather than serious. All over social media people are making jokes about the virus, but not taking precaution towards it. As we know it’s a deadly virus with flu like symptoms that has no cure or vaccine for it yet. Scientific studies has shown that if anybody has tested positive for the virus has 14 days to outlive the virus, if you can’t then the results will be death and you can then the virus will be fully out your system. Also it can take up to five days for anybody to display symptoms while the virus is in your system. As a result, I find myself being more cautious of my surroundings. The only thing I can say to help avoid getting the virus is washing your hands all the time, carry hand sanitizer when walking outside, and avoid touching you face. It’s also preposterous how the virus is deeply affecting society; stores are out of hand sanitizer, tissue, certain food products, rubbing alcohol, lysol spray/wipes, and etc. Personally I feel like this all has to do with the government wanting population control, because if the virus has been discovered already then why is it now all of sudden taken affect? Why isn’t there a vaccine for the virus yet? This all seems a bit suspicious to me.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Schmerler

    Things are changing so fast, Nakiyah. Real life seems stranger than fiction. I wonder how your week has been in the interim. Stay well!!!
    -Prof. S.

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