Transformation is New Perception

Intro Assignment by S.S.


Okay, that’s two words, but to me they are happening at once. First day of school — always exciting. Then, there is the fact that, frankly, I am already anxious.

Will I get over my own Zoom burn out and truly be able to communicate?

What will people…think, feel, understand of what I am going to say?

You can’t tell people what to understand; you can’t tell people what to like. Whatever a student wants to feel or do is ultimately up to them. You can inspire, but you can’t teach people anything that is truly deep, meaningful, forever. That has to well up from inside THEM.

So, as you may already know, this is what my desk generally looks like, except that it is cleaner than usual this morning.

And yes, I drank All The Coffee already. And there’s still 2 more hours to go.

P.S. I NEVER get Starbucks. I get DUNKiN’. This is like the first time in 2 1/2 years.


  1. Denver

    Starbucks is always picked over dunkin’ Professor!

    • Mishal Bhutta

      No, it’s not
      Sure I will have a Starbucks once in a while but let’s be honest STARBUCKS is OVERRATED
      Dunkin’ all the way!! LMFAOOA

    • Husnain

      I agree with you

    • Sarah Schmerler

      : – D
      Nooooo way. No. way.

  2. Husnain

    Starbucks always gets too much attention over Dunkin

  3. Fen

    I was going to comment that not to care about what people think of you but again you kinda have to since you’re a teacher

  4. Sarah Schmerler

    : – ) Denver!
    I love these kinds of arguments, btw, Fen. : )
    and Mishal and Husnain are right.
    Plus, I would almost bet money that our class skews (as in, leans towards) Dunkin’

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