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Emoji Poem

Waste kills living things,

The smell of flowers, trees, fresh fruits, the site of animals,

Contributions of productions, stadiums, transportations,

No longer a nature’s planet

Professors Should Allow Students to Hand in Late Work

I decided I’m going to write about professors accepting late work because I find it unfair how some professors do not accept work even a minute past the due date and time. In my opinion they should realize that we get caught up in our own lives and at times we genuinely cannot submit an assignment on time. Personally, I find myself doing better in classes where the professor is not so strict on handing in assignments on time but making sure we get our work done. I feel like not only can I relate to this topic, but other students can also relate because college is difficult and us having to cram all our assignments together ends up affecting our mental health and losing our motivation.

Impact of Exams On Young Students

I decided to write about this topic because I personally was a student that struggled with taking exams at a young age. I went to a charter school all my life and they tend to give more exams than a regular public school. I feel as though this topic relates to me well and it’s something that I often talk about. Young students taking exams can affect them at a young age, conflicting with their exam taking skills in their future. It can also affect them poorly mentally. I’m passionate about this topic because not only because I was one of the students but because I know that they’re students now that are like how I was at that age when it came to exam taking.

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