Category: Announcements (Page 2 of 4)

Reminder: You need to talk to us for one minute about your Opinion project

..on Wednesday. Yes, Nov 2’s class will have us looking at you for a whole 60 seconds. Hey, you can even take over the AV lectern and show us visuals if you like.

You talk; we listen. So please be prepared to share your project at any stage it is in Right NOW. (Chances are, we will *snap*.)

Also: I would like to see everyone weighing in here via post and comment on OpenLab, as I requested last week.

See you soon.

(doesn’t have to be as formal as this…but hey, he is trying)

One-on-One Conferences This Week

Hi Class, So, this coming week, we are pivoting to Online for Mid-Term conferences (no in-person class!). We will be meeting for individual conferences via Zoom, and posting our Opinion-piece brainstorms, and commenting, here on OpenLab. I am looking forward to reading your ideas and seeing you, albeit from afar!

I apologize for the delay. I now have a spreadsheet with 10-minute increments for conferences to discuss your Mid-Term Grades and progress here:

(The above spreadsheet has within it further Zoom Links for joining.)

I won’t make these conferences mandatory, but I strongly suggest them if you want to do well. Mid-Term grades are pretty cryptic (“P” = Passing; “BL” = Borderline; “U” = Unsatisfactory), and meeting with me face-to-face, however briefly, will help.

Note: There is a chance that I may need to see a dentist, STAT, this week, so if that occurs during your scheduled conference time and I need to cancel, I will let you know via email. Again, apologies for the delay, and I thank you for understanding!  -Prof. S.

“Sun in the trees” by @visionetti

Extra hour of Office Hour today

Hi Class, I am also going to be on Office Hour today, Friday, from 11AM to Noon.  Here is the link:

Topic: Office Hours, Friday 11AM–12PM
Time: Oct 14, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 2857 9108
Passcode: 091203
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,87628579108#,,,,*091203# US (New York)
+16469313860,,87628579108#,,,,*091203# US

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